Chapter 2

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Hey guys! This time I am going to try to keep it in one POV, no promises though! Okay let's start chapter two! BTW there is some bad words in here but I did not spell them out as we do not swear in this book.

Nico's POV

The minute the words "the gay dude," came out of my mouth, everyone stopped staring at me and hung their heads in an almost shameful way. I was just kidding. Kind of. Not at all. I just wanted to see their reactions, I wanted to see if they have changed or if they were the same devil spawns that ruined my life. Turns out it was the former. Well at least most of them.

"Yo, fag!" This is not meant to offend anyone

Everyone's head shot up so fast, it was a miracle they didn't get a whiplash. Now usually, the old me, would be angry by this statement, but as I said before I have changed my ways. I was kinda of grateful actually, that not all the attention was put on me anymore and instead it was placed on...Drew. Of course it was Drew, who else would it be. Now I was expecting something like this to happen. No, I wasn't just expecting it, I planned out a solution if something like this happened. My solution was to ignore the person and march up to the Hades cabin for some well deserved sleep. What I wasn't expecting though, was for Leo Valdez to come to my rescue. Yes, that's right.




Leo walked right up to Drews face, slapped her and started sass talking the crap out of her.

"Listen here you b***h, okay. Nico is one of the most generous and the kindest person on the planet and if he wanted he could beat the crap out of you but I know he wouldn't. Maybe before he wasn't the best looking guy (This is so not true) but now look at him b***h! He's hot as f**k and if I compared the both of you, then labelled you. You would be the one with the label on top of you that says 'pile of sh*t whilst he would have a label that says 'the f***ing sun.' Got it, you sl*t!"

I stared at him for what felt like hours, before he started turning red. Then I glanced at Drew and she was glaring at me so hard that if glares could kill, I would be ten feet under. Then I looked at the surrounding campers to see if their reactions where as shocked as mine, let me just tell you, they were not. If you were the one staring at them you would see that there were some people nodding their heads, others glaring at Drew, some where even agreeing with Drew! It was a very mixed crowd and it honestly just made me more confused.

(I really wanted to make it Leo's POV here because I feel it will express the story better but afterwards I probably will to go back to Nico's POV at some point.)

Leo's POV

HIs beautiful light blue eyes were staring at me for so long, I decided to use the destraction to check him out...only a little bit. I was right, he is sooo freakin' hot, that it shouldn't be allowed to be that hot in real life without being a celebrity. Cue the self esteem lowering. I looked down at my self and started evaluating how I look. Hmmm, okay let's see, no muscles at all, unruly curly hair, mud brown eyes, short, skinny, ugly, dumb, worthless and useless. I started blushing red, not the cute red, I mean the *omg I am dying, I need some water because a super hot guy just looked at me* red. He looked away. OMG! He noticed. Did he? Of course he did! How do you know? He had been training to notice everything for 5 years! Maybe he was bad at it. Your kidding!?!? I am not laughing. OF COURSE HE WAS GREAT AT IT, HE IS FREAKING PERFECT! Every person has flaws. NOT. HIM. You don't know that. I not gonna talk to you. Don't be childish. BYE! (Just wanted to say that these are actual conversations I have with myself.) Anyways, his eyes were back on me. So I put on my big boy pants and I walked right up to him, grabbed his wrist and took him to the Hades cabin.

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