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Two chapters in one day! YAY!

Leo's POV

He had one more minute, but why should I give myself hope. I got up and was about to leave when-


I snapped my head up and got a painful whiplash but I didn't care, because right in front of me was Nico running down the hill as fast as he could and may I just say that he looked beautiful. His hair flying all over the place making him look like an angel from the heavens.

"Leo, I am so sorry I am late, the Aphrodite kids attacked me and I couldn't leave-"

"It's okay Nico, I understand. Are you ready to leave?"

Nico's POV

He was so kind, even though I was so late he just shrugged it off like it was nothing. He is amazing, he is just perfect and anyone who doesn't see that is an idiot.

"Yeah Leo, I am ready."

We walked out of the camps borders till we reached the darkest areas of the woods.

"Okay, I am guessing your going to shadow travel us out of here?"

I looked at him and he was beautiful. The flames coming from his hands illuminating all his angelic features, the shadows repelling from him as if he was heaven itself. I suddenly felt ashamed of how I look, with the shadows clinging to me like I was the devil. Why in the world would he want to hang out with me anyway-

Then his majestic voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Nico...are you okay?"

"Leo, why are you hanging out with me?"

Suddenly there was silence but it was deafening. Like the silence before a storm, I was just waiting for the Lightning strikes.

"What kind of question is that! NICO YOU ARE AMAZING, KIND, SARCASTIC, GENEROUS,WONERFUL, INDEPENDENT, HONEST, FUNNY, FIERCE, SASSY, HARD-WORKING, A FIGHTER, A LEADER, A HELPER, YOU SAVED MY LIFE MORE THAN ONCE AND ON TOP OF ALL THAT YOU ARE THE MOTS BEAUTIFUL PERSON I HAVE MET IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. SO THE REAL QUESTION IS NOT WHY I WANT TO HANG OUT WITH YOU BUT WHY ARE YOU HANGING OUT WITH ME! *soft voice* you are so beautiful I can't even begin to describe you, the way the shadows cling to you like your secrets are so great, that they want to unravel all of them. The way your disturbingly mysterious yet alarmingly trustworthy. The way your hair falls into your diamond blue eyes as if they are to precious for the harsh, bright world to see. Don't doubt yourself Nico, because if you start doing it, then what are we ugly, mean men supposed to think of ourselves. What will I think of myself?"

I stared at him for so long, the image of his beauty was probably embedded into my brain. How could he think like that of himself. He was perfect. How am I supposed to show him that? I can't make a speech, I am not good with words. I knew of only one way to show him, I just hope he won't kill me afterwards. I tilted his chin up and I leaned down really close to his angelic face and the ghost of my lips lightly brushed over his.

Leo's POV

I was appalled, how could he think so low about himself. But I practically admitted my feelings for him. I looked down at my shoe for the longest of times, until I felt his soft fingers tilt my chin up and I stared at his beautiful blue eyes. Then I felt his lips brush over mine, they were velvet soft and reminded me of a red rose. I couldn't take it anymore I hooked my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his, and the best part? He kissed me right back. I could tell everything he was trying to say but just couldn't find the words. Kissing him was amazing, it was like the world went black and white around us, everything was blurred and nothing mattered but me and him. It was like all of our problems vanished and all that was left was us.

We pulled apart for air, and looked into each other's eyes, his light blue eyes were darkened and full of love. Then he said a sentence that would make me happy for all of eternity.

"Leo Valedez, will you be my boyfriend?"

"I would love to Nico Di Angelo."

Me and my boyfriend shared another kiss as he shadow traveled us to our date.

*time skip cuz I can*

It was the best first date ever. We talked about how I am going to come out? At camp fire tonight. If it was my first kiss? Yes. If it was his first kiss? Yes. How we can tell our friends at camp half blood, that we are together? At camp fire tonight. How we can tell our friends at camp Jupiter? IM them during camp fire when we tell everyone else. And the rest of the questions were just about each other. Then we came home and cuddled in Cabin 13, the Hades cabin, until it was time for camp fire.

At Camp Fire

When we got to the Camp fire we waited for everyone to quite down. Then I stood up and screamed


Piper gave me this knowing look, Nico gave me a look that said 'I thought I was gonna tell everyone' whilst everyone else just looked confused but I didn't care what any of them though, I got the love of my life right beside me. I quickly IM Camp Jupiter to tell them as well.


The Aphrodite cabin cheered, the Ares cabin were confused and everyone else was happy I admitted it.


At that everyone cheered, Hazel the most, and I looked down at my love and he mouthed "You possessive clown." Then stood up and gave me a quick peck on the lips, then he screamed louder than the Aphrodite cabin.


I laughed and whispered in his ear, 'Who is the possessive one now?' He laughed and it was music to my ears. We spent the rest of Camp Fire in each other's arms. It was then that I knew, he would be the handsome man I marry, and no-one will take him away from me.

I was gonna end it here but I am nice so

Nico's POV

It was curfew now and me and Leo were cuddling in my cabin, just as we were about to sleep I whispered in his ear

"I love you, Leo. And I promise no-one will touch you or hurt you as long as I live. You are my one and only. Now sleep, Ti amo."

Just before darkness took me over, I heard a soft.

"Same here, my love."

That's it guys! I know I rushed this but I really didn't like it and I had no idea what the hell I was doing so I just made a quick sum to end it. Now I know this is a pretty short Fanfiction but it's my first so NO HATE! That's the end of my Fanfiction, I hoped you all loved this adventure as much as I did! Anyways this is goodbye for now, my pretties!

Thx for reading!

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