Chapter 1 the tragic death

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Disclaimer- I sadly do not own Percy Jackson or Heroes of Olympus
If I did Zoë wouldn't have died.
On with the story

The man in the Hawaiian t-shirt and Bermuda shorts paced up and down the hall until, he heard cries of a baby. He burst through the door to see the mortal women he loved holding a baby. He was about to ask his name when the machines were going crazy and a nurse pushed him out of the room. So he went back to the waiting room where he was surprised to see his brother. Hades, his older brother, had an apologetic look on his face so Poseidon knew his love had died.
"I'm truly sorry sir but Sally Jackson died in child birth, but your son is alive if you want to see." Said a stocky red-headed nurse.
Poseidon followed her down the hall and to the nursery. He picked up his son. As he did that the infant opened his eyes. Poseidon gasped, his son had the most beautiful eyes ever. They were sea green just like his but better. When the nurse left Poseidon and hates flashed to Olympus.
When they got there Zeus was arguing with Hera about cheating or something. The still unnamed infant chose that time to cry. This caused Zeus and Hera to look his way.
"You BROKE the oath!" Zeus cried out like the drama queen he is.
"You will not touch my son unless you want me to kill your daughter and daughter. Yes I do know about Thalia and Jason." Replied Poseidon with an evil glint in his eye.
Hera looked appalled at her brother for cheating on his wife, Amphitrite, granted Hera didn't like her.
Athena who decided now would be the write time to look up from her book asked, "Why have you taken your son here, Barnacle Beard?"
"His mother, Sally, died in child birth" replied Hades knowing it would be hard for Poseidon to get out.
"I want him to grow up here with you guys." Poseidon stated.
"Why would we do that?"questioned Dionysus who now deemed this would be a good time to enter the conversation.
"Because he maybe the child of the prophecy."
"What is his name?" asked Athena curiously.
"Sally wanted it to be Perseus." said Poseidon.
"How fitting the prophecy child named after one of my sons." said Zeus.
"So does this mean you will let Perseus stay here on Olympus." questioned the worried father.
"Yes we will raise you son but only if you promise to visit him" replied Hera shocking everyone.
"I swear on River Styx that I will visit him." Thunder rumbled in the background sealing the promise.

Raised on OlympusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora