Chapter 2 his life

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Percy's POV ( 7 years later)
"Come Percy you can't be late for your lesson again." said my cousin Athena.
I may only be seven but I am a lot smarter than all other demigods.
You see ever since I can remember I was here on Olympus. I'm tutored by Athena and trained by Ares. My father, Poseidon, doesn't visit though.
"Now we are going to do something different today." Athena stated.
"What are we going to do?" I questioned.
"My father has announcement to make." She replied.
We walked in a comfortable silence to the throne room.
"A finally my favorite nephew is here." said my uncle Zeus.
"Come give me a hug Perseus." demanded my aunt Hera.
Hera has been a mother figure to me. She taught me how to tie my shoes.
After I hugged her I bowed to all the other Olympians.
"Perseus how many times do we have to tell you not to bow to us." said my cousin Hermes.
"I will stop bowing if you stop calling me Perseus." I replied.
"Stop bickering you too," Zeus said,"I have an important matter to discuss with the council."
"What is it father?" Artemis said in a bored tone.
"Poseidon has not seen Percy since he was born. He broke his oath. He doesn't deserve to be Perseus father any longer."
"Then who should be my father?" I questioned
"I wanted to know Percy if you wanted to be mine and Zeus's son." Aunt Hera asked hesitantly.
"I would love if you guys could be my parents." I replied immediately.
"Then I Zeus/Hera king/queen of the gods adopt Perseus Jackson as our own son." They said together
Suddenly a flash of light hit me in the chest. I felt electricity crackle through my body. I could hear what everybody was thinking.
This is going to be awesome. I thought.
I guess Aunt her wait no mom heard that because she winked at me.

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