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[1:41 AM]

[Louis hosts another party that's loud. Lola finds herself trying to get in but is denied. she tries and tries, saying that Louis is her friend but no one believes her. she grows restless as she isn't allowed in, becoming fussy.]

"oi Lola what are ya doin' here?"

"I want in,"

"come on lads, let her in."

"thank you."

"you do know you're still 18 and I won't let you drink or smoke, right?"

"Louis I'm not a kid."

"but you're 18,"

[Lola pouts like a kid and Louis gives in. he pours her a drink in a red cup. when he hands it to her, he puts his finger to his lips as if he were shushing her. she understands and takes it back like a pro.]

"wow lola, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you've drank before,"

"I've had my share of bad influences,"

"I'm sure. come, I wanna have a smoke,"


"so shouldn't you be at home reading or whatever it is you kids do?"

"I'm just as much of an adult as you are."

"whatever floats your boat princess,"

"I just like your parties."

"I like having you at them,"


cute!!!!!! I can't even deal

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