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[10:36 PM]

[Louis and Lola has decided to take a walk after sitting on his porch for most of the day. they plan to get some food at a 24-hour diner. Louis pulls out a cigarette but never lights it. a little ways down the street, they run into Niall again.]

(N) "well well well, if it isn't babygirl and daddy,"

(L) "shut the fuck up Niall,"

(N) "I just wanna see how she is. pretty little kid, she is. how old is she, 13?"

(La) "im 18 you prick."

(N) "ooo, fiesty, control her, tommo,"

(La) "fuck off,"

(L) "lola,"

[Lola rolls her eyes and walks away slightly. Louis and Niall bicker, Niall enjoying it and Louis hating it. Niall tries to start a fight but Louis quickly ends that, throwing a harsh punch to his jaw. he walks away, grabbing Lola go hurry down the street.]

"that hurt like a son of a bitch!"

"I can only imagine,"

"are you okay?"

"I should be asking you... why'd you say my name like that?"

"like what?"

"like all authoritatively."

"because i didn't want you to upset him. he's a prick, he'd do anything to anyone."

"oh.. well what's all the 'daddy and babygirl' stuff about? that joke is lame,"

"i know. if I could, I'd kick that little Lucky Charms bastard right off his rainbow,"

"louis, you can't say stuff like that and not expect me to laugh."

"well it's true,"

"i wouldn't say it isn't,"


"hey lou,"

"yes princess,"

"you haven't lit that cigarette,"

"huh. i guess you're right."


"just don't have the taste for em right now,"


Louis & Niall interaction lol.

Niall is literally nothing in this story. I just wanted to put some drama in to show Louis' protectiveness and stuff because he seems a little callous.

anyways, i hope y'all love it!!

all the love,

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