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[8:12 AM]

[It's been 2 days since Lola left Louis. since then, he hasn't been able to sleep. he cancelled his party, threw away all his alcohol, and hasn't been smoking as much. he tries to light one but he can't even bring himself to take a drag. he wants to go over to Lola's but he doesn't want to go empty handed. everything she said, she was right. he's nothing really. he goes to her house anyways, he has to try. he can't lose her... he knocks on her door, praying that she'll answer. little does he know, she's sleeping. she grumpily gets up to answer it.]

"what the hell are you doing here? not only is it early, I don't wanna see you."

"i know, but lola please hear me out,"

"what time is it?"

"lola, please."

"it feels like 8. am i right?"

"lola goddamn it, listen to me!"

she stands there, stunned.


"okay. look, i was only avoiding you because of that night. i was worried that i may like you a little too much and maybe that would be bad because you're young. i don't wanna ruin you, i know im trash. i do care about you lola and i really really like you and this is so hard, im probably rambling.."

"so what do you want?"

"i wanna start over."

"okay fine. start."

[Louis fixes his hair, his nerves wrecked. usually, he'd have a cigarette but something he has is much more addicting than the nicotine.]

"hi, im louis, and I really like you."

she smiles.

"hi louis. im lola and i like you too."




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