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[3:20 AM]

[Louis and Lola sit in his bedroom, side by side in bed. They both have drank a little, with Louis' permission of course. Lola focuses in Louis' tattoos, intrigued at the sight.]

"you show stories on your skin,"


"you're like a canvas,"

"lola, why don't you just say 'wow lou, you have a lot of tattoos',"

"that's boring,"

"you're a strange kid,"

"I'm not a kid."

"whatever you say princess,"

"i want tattoos."

"absolutely not,"


"absolutely not."

"why not? you've got them,"

"yeah, so? I'm worn. you have pure soft skin."


[Louis touches Lola's upper thigh delicately. he rubs small circles with his thumb, Lola doesn't mind. she likes the contrast of his rougher skin on her softer skin.]

"you're really pretty lola,"

"you're very handsome lou,"

"thank you love,"

"no problem,"

"i might get a tattoo for you."


"of course. just for you. anything you want,"

"get a cigarette,"

"you want me to tattoo a cigarette on my body?"


"hm. fair enough."


cute cute cute!!

love it? hate it? you know where to contact me.

all the love,

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