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Narrator POV
Life for Garry Eggsy Unwin hasn't been the same ever since his father died. His mother married a leader of a gang that constantly target Eggsy and his friends. Due to his stepfather being a complete bum he's been forced into a world of drugs and violence.

He hates seeing his mother being abused by that good for nothing asshole, his half sister even has to suffer from neglect at times. Right now Eggsy is just taking a look of himself in the mirror preparing to go out with friends tonight

As he walks out of his room he sees his stepdad and his mother cuddling on the couch and the house alcohol bottles are all around the table which isn't a shock.

Eggsy absolutely despises his stepfather dean he abuses his mother and is just a flat out drunken slob. He doesn't know why his mother just won't leave him but then again she now has a daughter with him so technically she's stuck.

Mum-Eggsy do you have any rizla paper?


Dean-why don't you do your mother a favor and go and get some

Eggsy-get em yourself

Mum-what did I say to you speaking to dean like that

Eggsy-*sighs* why can't dean get one of his poodles to go

Dean-I'll say you what why don't you take this *gets out money* and get the stuff and also yourself some sweets and while you're gone we'll show your mother if we can be a good family *starts making out with mom*

Then eggsys little sister started to cry and his mother and dean were two busy eating each other's faces to stand up and do anything. Eggsy goes over to his crying half sister and gives her the pacifier and tickles her to calm her down.
Now Eggsy is at the pub with his two best friends. This is one of the only places where he can escape his horrible home. The only bad part is that deans goons always hang out here and try to act as if they run the pub.

(I think his friends names are Jamal and Ryan I'm not sure)

Jamal-if she thinks he's so bad why won't you're mum leave him?

Ryan-low self esteem that's her problem

Eggsy-fuck off why would my mum have low self esteem

Jamal-no offense pal

Eggsy-one if these days I'm going to smash his face in

Ryan-are you mental cuz?

(One of the gang members name is Rottweiler)

Rottweiler-oh so you think you can chat shit about us and we'll do nothing just because our guy is banging eggsys mum?!

Jamal-pretty much yeah

Then the gang members went over to their table and started to intimidate them well attempt to. Eggsy stood up face to face with Rottweiler.

Ryan-leave it lets just go man it not worth it

Rottweiler-you boys have overstayed your welcome leave

Eggsy-leave? Sorry about that bruh

Rottweiler-yeah muck

(His friends and him are outside now)

Jamal-dude it's freezing

Ryan-I know and we have to walk

Eggsy-*holds up Rottweilers keys* who said we're walking?

Jamal-you jacked his fucking car keys bruh?!

Eggsy-yeah and now we're going to nick his car *gets in car with friends*

Eggsy was in control and started to go around and around forming donuts right outside the bar. Rottweiler and the boys heard and went outside to see what all the commotion was.

It finally hit him that Eggsy had stole his car. Eggsy and his friends started cheering and flicking off the gang then Rottweiler called dean and told him what Eggsy is doing because if you mess with Rottweiler you're messing with dean.

Eggsy and his friends already drove off by the cops were after them now. Rottweiler was shocked to see Eggsy then driving backwards while the cops were in front of them. This was very entertaining to Eggsy and his friends until Eggsy turned his head back to see a cat passing by and he immediately swerved into a car and crashed.

Jamal-you should've driven it over cuz

Eggsy-I should've done a lot of things I'll sort this get out of the car

Ryan-but du-

Eggsy-just get out of the fucking car!

Then his friends listened to their friend and ran away. Eggsy then put the car in drive and rammed right into the police vehicle.
Eggsy is now in questioning at the police department where he's been all night. They keep wanting to know who he was in the car with but he's not a traitor and would never rat out anyone let alone his friends.

Detective-now you can start giving me the names of the two boys you were in the car with or you go down its up to you

Eggsy-I want to exercise the right to a phone call

Detective-well i hope it's your mum to tell her you're going to be 18 months late to dinner

Then the detective stepped out of the room to give Eggsy some privacy. Eggsy knew his mother wouldn't have been able to do anything for him so he looked down and took his necklace off. His mother told him to call the number on the back whenever he needed help. He dialed in the three numbers and a women's voice came through.

Woman-Customer complaints how may I help you?

Eggsy-My names Eggsy unwin sorry I mean Gary unwin and I'm up shit creek, I'm in a urban police station and my mum told me to call this number whenever I needed help

Woman-I'm sorry sir wrong number

Eggsy-wait,wait oxfords not brogues?

Woman-your complaint has been dearly noted we hope that we haven't lost you as a loyal customer

Then the phone cut and Eggsy was worried he had just wasted a phone call.

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