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Narrator POV
Harry and Eggsy were having a day off at Harry's home. In Harry's office he has tons of magazine headlines plastered all over the wall. After browsing them Harry asked Eggsy to take a seat so they could talk.

Harry-Eggsy it's nice seeing how far you've come from when I found you

Eggsy-*smiles* thanks it's nice to be appreciated

Harry-working as a KingsMan mean that you shouldn't expect praise all the time

Eggsy-well you've obviously got some praise from the look of these headlines

Harry-a man should only be in a newspaper three times when he's born,when he's married, and when he dies and we are first and foremost gentlemen

Eggsy-pretty fucked then right?

Harry-I guess

Eggsy-well speaking of marriage how do you know the smoking hot girl who controls everything

Harry-are you talking about cleopatra?


Harry-I also knew her father he worked with me here at KingsMan

Eggsy-did he die just like my dad?

Harry-no he's still alive he just felt it was time to stop because cleopatra was getting older and he wanted to help train her so she could take his spot pretty much

Eggsy-why is she so closed off?

Harry-well a KingsMan should be she's a very respectable young woman

Eggsy-she seems to hate me

Harry-actually she likes you more than hate

Eggsy-*gets excited* really?

Harry-yes but don't get too excited

Eggsy-why?,is she a lesbian or somethin?

Harry-that's not a question for me to answer but I do think that she is interested in men

Eggsy-did she even want to work in KingsMan

Harry-she was very hesitant,if I can recall she used to be a gymnast

Eggsy-wow you know a lot about her

Harry-yes she and I are very close
Harry decided it was time for eggsy to get fitted for a suit. When they arrived they went into fitting room 3 since fitting room 1 was taken.

When they got into the room they were standing in front of a big mirror.

Eggsy-so we going up or down


Eggsy-*confused* is this it?

Harry-of course not pull the hook

Eggsy did as told and the mirror split in half revealing a secret room full of equipment.

Eggsy-*walks in and looks around* very very nice

Harry gave Eggsy a tour of the equipment a KingsMan uses for a mission. When they finished they ran into mr Valentine. This startled Harry a little because mr Valentine shouldn't be here.

Valentine-what a coincidence you're the reason I'm here,when you left my house I was searching for that dope as smoking jacket you had

Harry-nice choice

Valentine-who's this? *nods at eggsy*

Harry-oh that's my new valet I'm introducing him to my tailor

Valentine-what a coincidence so was I

Harry-well we better not waste anymore of your time

Valentine-oh before you go I have one question


Valentine-do you know a place where they sell some good looking hats?

Harry-try lock and co

Valentine-Lox as in smoked fish?

Harry-no locks as in locked up

Valentine-oh haha it's hard understanding you sometimes you people talk so funny

Valentine then walked out and made his way to the hat store. Harry and Eggsy shared a look they knew he was up to something.

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