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Eggsy POV
I'm worried that I just wasted my one good phone call in this shitty police department. The detective literally just walked in here and he seems shocked about something.

Detective-congratulations Mr.Unwin you've been bailed out

So that number did work thank god I'm out of here. But I know going back to basically hell after this. As I walked outside it was broad daylight they kept me in here for dayyys.

As I was about to go down some step I hear someone say my name.

Harry-hello Eggsy would you like a lift home?

Eggsy-*turns to see harry* who the hell are you?

Harry-I'm the man who got you released

Eggsy-that ain't a answer

Harry-a little gratitude would be nice, my name is Harry hart and I gave you that medal.
I still have no idea how I even know this man. We decided to go to the pub so we could have a talk. What business could he probably even have with me is what I'm trying to figure out.

Harry-you're father saved my life

Eggsy-so before you was a tailor were you in the army,like an officer?

Harry-not quite

Eggsy-so where were you posted Iraq or something

Harry-sorry Eggsy classified

Eggsy-but my dad saved your life yeah?

Harry-the day your father died I missed something and if it weren't for his courage my mistake would've cost the life of many men present your father was a good man a brave man so I owe him and having read your files I think that he'd be bitterly disappointed in the choices you've made

Eggsy-ey you can't talk to me like that! *gets really defensive*

Harry-huge IQ great performance in primary school and it all went down drugs petty crime and never had a job

Eggsy-do you think There's a lot of job going around here?!

Harry-doesn't explain why you gave up your hobbies first prize regional  under tens' gymnastics Two years in a row. Your coach had had you pegged as Olympic team material.

Eggsy-well when you grow up near someone like my stepdad you pick up new hobbies pretty quick

Harry-always someone's fault and who's to blame for you quitting the marines? You were halfway through training doing brilliantly but you gave up 

Eggsy-because my mum went mental Banging on about losing me as well as my dad.Then we wouldn't be cannon fodder for snobs like you, judging people like me from your ivory towers. With no thought about why we do what we do.We ain't got much choice, you get me? And if we was born with the same
silver spoon up our arses we would do just as well as you if not better

Then the doors opened and it was dean and poodles gang walked in I guess that they heard I was released because they're barely here this early.

Rottweiler-what the fuck are you doing here you taking a piss? *goes towards eggsys seat*

Harry-some more examples of young men that need a silver suppository

Poodle-yeah yeah get out we have some business to take care of

Harry-nonsense we haven't finished our drinks *calmly*

Rottweiler-after you nicked my car your mum says you're a fair guy Eggsy but I don't give a shit what she says

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