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Cleopatra POV
The recruits are on a plane preparing to jump from it. Marlin of course loves this mission since he gets to trick them into thinking that there is one person without a parachute to test their skills.

We can of course hear the communication between all the recruits and after Marlin made the announcement I was surprised to hear Eggsy coming up with a plan and taking control.

I heard him talking to Roxy because she seemed to be freaking or about it before this she was too scared to even jump out. I started to get this weird feeling hearing him reassuring Roxanne that everything was going to be fine.

I guess Marlin could tell and of course started to make fun of me.

Marlin-I'm sensing a little jealousy around your area

Cleopatra-why would I be jealous it's Eggsy for gods sake

Marlin-he's growing on you that's for sure

Cleopatra-oh please
Narrator POV
Eggsy,Charlie, and Roxanne are the three finalists. It's crazy to think about how far they've come but they shouldn't get comfortable just yet because they still have a lot to prove.

They have  another task that they have to complete. Believe it or not it's probably one of the hardest compared to the rest because it tests your loyalty.

Marlin-well first off congratulations on being the final 3, but now you have a very important mission to complete

Cleopatra-*hands them all files* open up your envelope

Then they opened them revealing the picture of a blonde female.

Cleopatra-your mission is to use your npl training to win over he individual in the photograph

Marlin-and when by win over we mean in the biblical sense

Eggsy-easy most girls love a bit of rough

Charlie-*scoffs* sure they like smart men who actually have something going for themselves

Marlin-well why don't you ask miss Jacobs I'm sure she would be happy to settle this out

Cleopatra-*rolls eyes* what do you think Marlin *walks out*

Marlin-sorry Charlie but Eggsy won this battle
Narrator POV
Right now the recruits are in the club preparing to win over their target. It's a test to show if they could succeed with going undercover. Charlie was the first to approach the target and he wasn't doing so well and Roxanne took notice.

They were missing the point of trying to win her over instead they were educating her about the different techniques you can use to seduce people. It wasn't to soon Eggsy came over and used his smooth skills to start conversation.

Eggsy-is it just me or is his champagne a lil bit funny?

Target-try these they're much much better

Charlie- you know if you're interested in ornamental technique this guy is textbook, see what he just did it's called an opinion opener he got you talking with a neutral question and he got us all involved in a group conversation so you crave individual attention

Eggsy-nah I'm just saying the champagne tastes weird

Mind you that cleopatra and Marlin are listening to everything they're saying and cleopatra couldn't help but laugh at Charlie being over the top.

One of the staff of the club said that there had been a call for their target so she left and Eggsy went over to sit next to Roxanne and Charlie. He really wasn't lying when he said that the champagne tasted funny.

Eggsy later woke up tied to a railroad track. He saw a man walk past him and was crazy confused on what was going on.

Eggsy-who the fuck are you?,where am I

Random guy-this knife could save your life


Random guy-my employers got two questions for you,what the fuck is KingsMan and who's Harry hart

Then the train started coming towards Eggsy causing him to panic and try to wiggle out.


random guy-oh Eggsy I just killed two go your friends because they gave me the same bullshit answer!

Eggsy-just cut the ducking ropes please!

Random guy-Eggsy is the KingsMan worth dying for

Eggsy-fuck yeah!!!!

Then as the train approached Eggsy he lowered and the random man disappeared and Harry appeared.

Harry-congratulations bloody well done

Eggsy-how'd the others do?

Harry-Roxy passed with flying colors Charlie's up next,want to watch

Eggsy-yeah all right

Everyone watched Charlie and he failed badly. He gave up KingsMan right away proving that he is unable to be loyal to the program which then made Eggsy and Roxanne the final two.

Cleopatra-*turns around* congratulations you candidates have reached the final stage of the testing process

Marlin-Eggsy you should know your father reached this point

Cleopatra-from now on there are no safety nets understood

The recruits nodded and then were dismissed.

KingsMan Secret Services जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें