Finding a place to stay

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I start packing and I try to hide all the tears in my eyes. As I pack i start hearing the same moans that I heard in the school.

"Great there's more of them." I think to myself. I look out my door and see them coming up the stairs. I start to panic and shut the door and grab as many things as I could along with my pocket knife. I open my window and I jump out. I land on my ankle but I continue to walk. I go to a nearby store and grab a basket and start filling it up with food supplies and stuff I'm going to need to keep me alive for a little while. I fill my back pack as well with more food.

"I can always come back." I say to myself. As I walk out a whole bunch of those things are coming after me.

"Shit." I say to myself and run in the other direction to a house that looks like hasn't been touched. I go in there and I keep quiet upstairs. I sigh and look at my ankle. As I look at it I can see that it sprained. I grab an ace bandage from my bag and I wrap it up. I look at my food supply and I see that I have enough food to at least last me 2 weeks before I have to go back.

"Looks like this is my place to stay for now."

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