Trying to survive

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I wake to the sound of moaning once again. I swear all this moaning is going to be the death of me. I look out the window and I only see a few of them. I sigh to myself and try to go back to sleep. When I wake up, I look at my ankle and some of the swelling has went down. I turn on the radio that the people had in there house and all I hear is static.

"Man what must've happened must've been really quick." I say to myself. I go outside and start walking around and go into the houses around the house I was staying at. As I search I find a can of corn, water, some books to keep me busy, and some more bandages. As I walk back I see someone walk into my house. I take out my knife and I start walking to my house. As I go inside I hear them walking up the stairs. I follow them and I hear a gun cock and the person turns around. He was so attractive and when his eyes met mine swear my heart skipped a beat.

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