Work with a Hangover

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We Were Best Friends…

Chapter Three

“Work with a Hangover”


I woke with two different kinds of pounding; the pounding of an enormous hangover headache and the pounding of my door. Looking down, I found the same cloths I had worn last night, still on my body. Quickly, I changed into some loose-fitted jeans and a tank top of the color green.

                Hurriedly, I took a band and put my unruly hair into a blond pony-tail. I wasn’t about to walk out of my room and open my door with me looking like a mess. What if it was my team-mates? What if it was Adrian?

                Rushing down the stairs, I flew into my considerably reasonable sized kitchen and grabbed two aspirin off of the top of my refrigerator. With a can of Pepsi, I threw the aspirin down my throat, preparing myself not to cough.

                Finally, I walked toward my door and was greeted by Adrian (see?) who had a pained look on his face. “Got any Aspirin?” he asked.

                “It’s on the counter.” Adrian walked into my house, like it was his own. Well, it almost was, actually. Some nights he would stay here and watch movies with me then he’d end up sleeping there. I didn’t mind one bit. He was my new Hanna, since she was somewhat like this through our childhood.

                Taking two tablets out of the bottle, Adrian grabbed a can of Pepsi from my fridge and drank down the pills, just as I had done. Once they were down his throat, now traveling to his stomach, Adrian looked at me. “Mind if I stay here tonight?”

                I rolled my azure eyes. “When have I ever said no when you asked that?”

                “Not that I remember.”

                “Good, cause I haven’t.” We both smiled at this comment. I looked into his ocean blue eyes and saw something flash through them, something I was unsure of. We were leaning closer toward each other for a moment, then more seconds passed and we got closer. Just inches away, I had to stop it. “We should be getting to HQ soon.”

                Adrian blinked and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before opening them again. “Right, thanks for reminding me.” He seemed disappointed, I had to admit that I too was disappointed, but it would be wrong to kiss my best friend, right? Wrong.

                Fifteen minutes later, Adrian parked his truck in front of a small building, which just looked like an office where most people my age worked in cubicles with a small computer and nothing but gray walls around them. But, inside was a considerably large lobby with a man at the desk, bathrooms on the right side of the room and an elevator to the left side of the desk. It was very dull as a large gray, almost silver like, room with a few ferns decorating the entrance.

                “How’s work, Ben?” Adrian asked as we walked by.

                “It’s as boring as always, Adrian. Hello Riley.”

                “Nice to see you, Ben,” I replied, stepping inside the empty elevator with Adrian at my side. Ben was one of the only civil people in the organization that I knew of. Most of the others were wild animals that couldn’t control themselves. Remember Tristan from the bar. My headache got worse as I thought about her.

                My sneakers, jeans and tank top were clearly out of place here among all of the people wearing black in the large room. But, I never cared. Every day I came in with something similar, whether it was black or not. Black at HQ was some protocol I had not been informed of until I found myself the only one who actually wore anything other than black, but nobody really cared. Six years of doing it and others barely notice the difference in the crowd.

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