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We Were Best Friends….

Chapter Seven



                My tiredness ended up keeping me in bed until noon, but part of it wasn’t being tired. Part of the reason was the shock of seeing Hanna again. I never thought I’d see her ever again. After that fight, she just….disappeared.

                If I weren’t so sore, I’d think I just imagined the whole thing up, but I had a bump on my head to prove I had at least fought someone last night. Nobody could prove me otherwise.

                “Hello sleepy head,” I heard when I came downstairs. There, on my blue couch, was Adrian, sitting with a bottle of Ibuprofen, a Pepsi and a bag from Sonic. “I thought you’d be hungry when you woke up.”

                And I was, with a headache as well. I thanked God that I had met Adrian, even though I believed in no religious figure. If there was one, we wouldn’t be in this mess and I wouldn’t have to eliminate bad ‘humans’.

                Downing the pills and the soda in just a few gulps, I burped, feeling the relief of my stomach. “What would I do without you, Adrian?”

                He shrugged. “Does it matter? It’s not like either of us are leaving. We have a job to do.”

                I sighed at that. “Don’t remind me. I had a rough night.”

                Suddenly, my ears were met with the ringing from the phone sitting on the kitchen counter. Not bothering to look at the collar ID, I pressed ‘Talk’ and put the phone to my ear. “Hello?”

                “Ms. Casket,” the man on the end of the line said, meaning he was from the organization since they were the only ones to call me that, “we need your assistance at Ms. Hale’s home.”

                “Why would Tina need my assistance?”

                “Do not question me, now go.” The call ended and the buzz began in my ear.

                “Who was that?”

                I sighed. “The boss wants me to go ‘take care’ of a problem at Tina’s house. I’m not sure why, since she can take care of herself, but I guess I have to go.”

                Adrian sighed with me. “Sucks, Ri. How about I come pick you up after you’re finished there and we can go out for pizza, or something?

                I nodded and started biting into my burger from Sonic. Now, if only I knew what was coming after that one conversation.


Adrian dropped me off at Tina’s house just a half hour later, Adrian promising me food and candy after this since it was probably something stupid that I would fix in five minutes.

                Tina was like my replacement mother after I joined the organization. My mother and I always use to talk and watch movies together until she got a job. Then, after Hanna left and I joined the organization, I really had nobody since I was still skeptical about Adrian, as I had always been around boys. But, about a year after I joined, Tina was transferred to Kingsley City with us, giving me the opportunity to make friends with someone new in town.

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