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O2L was not the only thing to slip away. J.C was the other person to slip away from me. I remember every detail with him so vividly that it honestly feels like it is permanently stamped in my brain like a reminder of what I had and what I had gambled away. J.C and I had a fight a week before Christmas regarding Sam in which I remember he walked out and slammed the door before returning late into the night, packing a bag and sleeping in a motel for the next week before he moved out permanently. What him and I was fighting about was I had spent a lot of the holiday time with Sam (I will explain more soon) and I had missed a dinner with him and his parents that he had planned months in advance including flying his parents all the way from Texas to meet me as I was J.C's best friend and his parents wanted to meet me. I remember he was incredibly angry at me but I remember him being more hurt that I had chosen Sam over him and his parents which had been important to him. At the time that J.C moved out and left me alone in the flat, I believed that I would have Sam and that I would be fine without J.C and I remember planning to spend Christmas with Sam and his family before him and I having a small informal dinner at mine afterwards. I'm sure at this point you are wondering what happened between Sam and I after the kiss under the mistletoe and this I shall explain to you.

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