Chapter One

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(I just wanted to let you all know that this will not follow the story line of Once Upon a Time.  This is just a Peter pan Story where the character is portrayed as Robbie Kay. Thanks For Reading)

"What NOW mother," I asks as she calls my name again.

Still no response. Ugh, why does she call me then not answer me.  I close the screen on my laptop and get of my desk chair and walk down the stairs. 

"What do you want mother," I ask.

"I wanted to tell you that I am going to be away on a business trip till Sunday. I need you to make sure to keep the house in order, unlike your sister, and make sure she doesn't throw any parties. Understood? " she asks me.

"Understood Mother." I reply.

"Good, see you Sunday night," She says kissing my forehead.

"Mother," I ask.

"Yes Dear," She replies.

"Am I allowed to have friends over," I ask expecting her to say no.

"As long as you behave yourselves, and your sister can to if she obeys those rules," She says with a smile.

"Thanks Mother," I say

"Your Very Welcome Dear." She says as she shuts the door.

How very rude of me, I never introduced myself. My name is Elizabeth Cable Morgan. I am 16 years old. I have an older sister who is 17. My dad left when I was 8. I have long dirty blonde hair. I have green eyes, though they change with my mood, but their natural color is a forest green.

  I am originally from America but my mom moved to London after my dad left. I have an American accent, but over the years I have used a British accent so no one will ask why I have an American accent.  I love music, reading and writing, and sports.  There isn't much else to know, if you want me to be honest.  I am a very weird person, and have a, what's the right word, peculiar, some might say, personality.  I think that's it.

I go back up the stairs and plop right back down in my desk chair and open back up my laptop. I am researching stuff for my report that is do in language. I chose the topic of why animals should have better homes, and better care then what they are provided. So basically things that  animals need, that they don't have.

As I am going through articles and reports, I notice a peculiar article.  I open it up and see its another one of them things like Bloody Mary and all those other fake tricks.  It says that at night you open your window, and say I believe and Peter Pan will come to your window once you fall asleep and take you to Neverland.

"Whatever," I think to myself.

I get up from my chair and go across my room to my bed. I grab my phone and dial Ella's, my best friend, well my only friend, number.

"Hey Elizabeth, what's up." She says.

"The sky, the ceiling, the clouds, the st" I say before she cuts me off.

"You know what I mean," She says.

"I know," I say holding back a laugh," I just wanted to know if you wanted to come over and spend the night.

"Of course," She says.

"And my mom's gone," I tell her.

"Wait she's letting you have friends over," She asks.

"I know I didn't expect her to say yes," I reply.

"Ok I'll be over in like 5 minutes, " She asks.

"Sounds Good," I say.

"Ok see you then." She says.

"See you then," I say as I hang up.

Just Like A Song (Robbie Kay as Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now