Chapter Four

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     I keep running till I think I can walk for a minute.  I wish this was like a place for a family vacation, not a place infested with Peter Pan, cause it is a beautiful island. As I am walking down the beach I hear I twig snap. I don't look back I just start running forward again. That is what's wrong with the people in the movies, they stop and look back which gives their hunters more time to get them.

     I feel as if I am running forever, but its probably just been a few seconds.  Then I suddenly bump into someone's chest. I fall right on my back.  Just great, I think to myself.

"Looks like I've found you," Peter Pan says.

"How'd you get here so fast," I ask in my British accent.

"Well you see I have magic," He says, disappearing and reappearing behind me," So do you have an American accent or a British accent he questions.

"Why should I tell you," I ask keeping my British accent.

"Cause I can do many, many hurtful things to you," He says with a grin.

"Then kill me," I say, " You have already taken me away from my family."

"I think that can be arranged," He says pinning me up against the tree, taking a knife out of his belt and putting it up against my throat.

I wait for him to do it but he doesn't add any more pressure.  I knew he couldn't do it. He may look tough on the outside but he's just another softie on the inside if you know where to strike.

"What are you waiting for, just do it already," I say.

"I don't know, I think I might torture you a little bit first." He says with a grin creeping across his face.

Gosh, is he hot. Wait, what am I thinking, he's evil. He's the devil himself. Of, coarse all the bad guys always look so good. Why do I keep thinking this!

"You do that," I say.

He suddenly jerks the knife away from my neck and back into his belt.  I knew he wouldn't do it.

" You're lucky your new here or I would have at least made a cut." He says full of anger.

"Now that isn't much of a welcome," I say smiling.

"Well that's the most you'll get for the moment, but tell me do you have an American or British Accent?" He asks.

No matter how hard it is for me. He is the only way off of this island. So, the least I have to do is obey his rules and he'll let me off. Well, at least I hope.

"American," I say with my normal voice.

"Well then why did you use a British one, where you mocking me," He says with a raised eyebrow.

"No," I say, " I am just so used to using a British accent, for certain reasons I will not tell you, that I forget to use my normal voice."

"Well you better be using it from now on when you talk to me," He says.

"Whatever," I say as a mumble, but I know he can still hear me.

"Now would you like to go the camp." He asks.

"I don't care," I say cause I  really don't.

We go down a few twist in the road till we reach what I assume is the camp. There are a few other people.

"Boys," Pan shouts," Meet Our Newbie." He says with a grin.

Just Like A Song (Robbie Kay as Peter Pan)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ