Chapter Seven

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     I have been stuck on this island for five days.  FIVE WHOLE DAYS OF PURE TORTURE!  Well I mean I guess it isn't that bad to some people in my situation but yeah.  I have NO books, NO, music, and there are NO pets on this island so again I say PURE TORTURE!! Another terrible thing that just happened too is I just ran out of coffee. Plus, I really don't want to ask Pan for more.

     But, if I want my coffee I have to ask.  And by some coincidence he just happens to walk into  the coffee shop right then. 

      "I need more coffee"  I say slamming my empty cup down.

      "Fine" He says making five more cups appear.

     "Why only five cups." I ask.

     "Because that's all I feel like doing right now." He replies.

   "Well okay then," I say because that's all  I will probably drink today anyway so I didn't argue.

     I grabbed a cup of coffee and walked out the door, only to be reprimanded by the one and only Peter Pan.

      "You know its rude to just walk out when people are talking to you." He says.

     "Yeah except you weren't talking therefore I  was not being rude," I explain.

     "I was about to start talking though." he defends.

     "But you weren't." I state." Now if you would excuse me I would like to go change for the day sense I am still in my pajamas and then we can continue this argument that I will win."

     I didn't wait for him to reply I just turned on my heel and walked away.  I walked into my hut and changed.  I put on some leather jeans. A heart arrow tank top.  A black braided choker necklace, a black slouchy beanie, and last of all blackish color combat boots.  I walk out of my hut to be greeted by Pan.  Oh and did I forget to mention that you can wear anything hear and not feel to warm or cold. 

     "You're wearing a hat." He asks confused.

     "Beanie," I correct.

     "Well Okay then," he says mimicking me from earlier.

     "So what did you want earlier," I ask.

     "Well I wanted to know if you wanted to learn how to hunt." he asks.

     "Wait are you actually consulting me about something," I ask genuinely shocked.

     "Yeah so make up your mind before I make it up for you." He states.

     "And there's the Pan we all know and hate." I say," but for your answer know I do not condone killing innocent animals.  I may eat them but I will not kill them personally."

     "Fine, but tonight we are having a celebratory campfire in your honor," He says picking at his cuticles.

     "Me," I exclaim," what did I ever do?"

     "You climbed the tree of course,"

     "That, I said," What is so important about that tree," I ask

     "Well you are the only one to ever climb it," He replies.

     "So," I say confused.

     "Well to stay on this island you must climb at least 20 feet up that tree and to prove you are really worthy of this island you climb to the top, no one has ever done it therefore we are celebrating in your honor."

      "Wait have you ever climbed it," I ask.

     "No," He mumbles.

     "Okay then instead of celebrating can I have a pet here instead," I ask masking my hopefulness.

     "No," He says.

     "Well why not," I say.

     "Because you don't have a need for one." he says.

     I know I am instantly going to regret this but," I'll learn how to hunt and then I will have a good need for one and I could train them and everything."

      He questions it for a few moments and the says," What kind of dogs do you want?"

     I hide my excitement and say," I want a Brindle Color Mastiff, Red Colored Husky, Rottweiler, and I also want a Golden Retriever."

     "Fine," he says," But we are still doing the campfire tonight because I already told everyone else."

     "Do I have to show up though," I ask.

     "Yes you do," He replies with a smirk.

     "Fine just give me my dogs," I say.

     He then makes the four dogs appear, while he makes himself disappear.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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