Chapter Two

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In about five minutes I hear a knock at the door.  I get up from my research, and paper, that I just finished, and go answer the door. 

"Hey El," I say

"Hey El," She says back.

Yep we both have the same nickname.  Sort of ironic.

"So what do you want to do," She asks.

"Well we could watch a movie, we could do our nails, we could play a board game, what ever you want to do basically as long as be behave ourselves," I say imitating my mom at the end.

"Ok we could watch a movie as we paint our nails." She says.

"Sounds Good." I say.

I paint my nails to look like The Mortal Instruments Movie, that's the movie we watched. Next we watch The Hunger Games Series, Divergent and Insurgent, and Last but CERTAINTLY NOT least The Maze Runner.  I look at the clock to see it is 2:00 in the morning.

"Hey we should get to bed El." I say.

"Yeah but not before we do this thing I found online. Its where you open your window and say I believe and Peter Pan will take you to Never Land," She says.

"Its just a fake trick," I say.

"Then YOU should have no problem doing it." She replies.

"no its stupid," I say.

"I dare you," she replies.

"Fine," I say.

"Great," She says.

I go over to my window and open up the curtains. Its pretty dark outside, well that is t be expected when it's 2:00 in the morning. I open my window and instantly begin to shiver. I look at Ella and she nods her head.  I really don't want to do this. What if it is real?

Oh what am I thinking. Its just another one of them fake tricks they have on the internet.  It's FAKE, F-A-K-E, FAKE, I have nothing to worry about.

I stick my head out the window and say ," I Believe."

"Now we just wait and see," Ella says.

But before we know it we are both fast asleep.  We don't even hear the footsteps of the person walking into my room and taking me away.

Just Like A Song (Robbie Kay as Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now