Chapter Five

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     I just stand there awkwardly as I see the boys stare at me in shock. Yep, of coarse I am the only girl here. Of course I am. 

"Um, hello," I say, forgetting to use my American accent.

I see Pan eye me questionably.

"I-I- mean hello," Using my American accent.

"So which is it, do you have an American or British accent." one of the boys with jet black hair says.

"Well why don't you find out," I say using my British accent.

"Your British," one of the other boys says.

"Like I'm going to tell you." I say with no emotion, in my British accent.

"Umm, is it just me or did no one else notice that she is a girl." The boy with jet black hair says.

"It would take someone who's blind, and deaf not to know I'm a girl." I state with no emotion in my American accent.

"Yeah she's a girl, and what do you want to do about it Zach." Pan says.

"Well why would you bring a girl here in the first place, and what help would she be, she's weak, pathetic and will just waste our time." He says.

Within a matter of seconds I'm on him, punching his face into a bloody pulp. 

"How's that for weak asshole," I say.

I keep punching and punching him in the face till he goes passes out, I would have kept punching him but I am thrown back into a nearby tree. I stand back up to be reprimanded my Pan.

"Now I know that he shouldn't have said them wasteful words but there is no need to keep punching  him after he passes out." He says trying to intimidate me.

"You don't scare me Pan." I say with no emotion.

"And why is that." he asks.

"I am used to hurtfulness, I am used to scariness, I am used to intimidation, and I am used to threatening." I reply.


"Like I'm going to tell you."  I say.

That is how I was pinned back to a tree with a knife against my throat.

"I can slice your throat right now" He says aggravated.

"No shit Sherlock," I say," but the question is will you"

"I cant murder someone in front of a five year old boy, you already made someone pass out in front of him." He says.

There was a five year old boy here, I  say in my head.

"Yeah, he was hiding behind Thomas." Pan.

"Who's Thomas," I ask.

"Tall with black hair, not the one you almost beat to death, just to clarify." Pan says.

"May I go," I ask.

"If you don't punch anyone else today," He says.

"Today I won't," I say with a sly grin on my face.

He lets go and I walk behind who I guess his name is Thomas. I look behind him and see a five year old boy there.

"Hi, " I say in my American accent," my names Elizabeth but you can cam me El, what's your name." I say in a quieter voice.

Just Like A Song (Robbie Kay as Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now