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Dick frowned a bit when an inhibitor collar was placed around his neck. "Really Bats? I don't even have any powers you can 'inhibit'" He scoffed a bit as the dark knight took the arm he had broken in the fight. "Do not touch me." Dick pulled his arm away, rolling his eyes. "You did it so why would you give a shit about it."

"Richard, I was just trying to help.."

Dick laughed "You want to help me? A circus brat no one else seems to care about? You flatter me Batman."

"I do want to help" Bruce knew there would be no getting to the boy, he was just so..angry and Arkham was his only hope that he could become normal again, a citizen. Of course, his hopes were not that high.

"If you want to help, bring Zucco to me. That is all I want!" The boy hissed unhappily. He needed to get out of here, he needed to make Tony pay for the blood on his hands. "You 'heroes' will never understand. Fed false justice with a silver spoon and delusional."

Bruce shook his head. "I know how you feel, but I cannot and will not give Tony Zucco over to you. You will not be taking another life." And with that Bruce left the boy in his cell, wishing that he could have come to his aid sooner..perhaps if he did, things would have turned out differently.


Arkham was not as bad as Dick originally thought, sure, it was a prison, but there were a lot of people who had the same views as him. Besides, it was not as bad of a living space considering he spent most of his nights in abandoned rundown buildings not suitable for even rats. He kept to himself, but listened to his fellow inmates' stories. He was often stared at by the other prisoners, apparently no one knew the story why a twelve to thirteen year old boy was in a cell with Gotham's worse.

"Hey, why is a little brat in here?" Dick heard one whisper.

Dick clenched his jaw slightly, he hated being called kid, brat, boy ect. He could take them all down if he wanted, but what would be the point? It is not like it would be any fun beating gotham's low lifes. The only day Dick would truly enjoy himself will be the day Tony Zucco is dead at his feet by his own hands. Robin relished the idea, smirking to himself.

"They say he is a notorious killer...but no one really knows." Dick heard another whisper.

Dick smirked at the gossip, being one from the circus, he would never deny his audience a show. He stood up, giving a sickening grin as he walked over to the two thugs who were whispering about him. "I haven't seen the color red in soooo long." Dick drawls out, giving his signature child laugh. "If you speak about me one more time, I just might be tempted to see it again..just for good ol' time's sake." He whispered.

No one before heard the boy speak, and that laugh caused them all to freeze in their tracks. The two thugs who without a doubt could overpower the child with just size alone, backed up. There was just something about his demeanor that screamed not to mess with him, and so they didn't.

"Richard that was rude." He would hear his mother's voice and then turn to see her standing there along with his father. Dick frowned , ever since his encounter with the bat, these hallucinations were getting worse, and they would always break his already damaged heart.

It didn't take long at all for Dick to be known amongst, the boy was visited more by the bat than both the Joker and Catwoman combined. Often he would try to reason with the boy to drop the revenge act, but Richard would not have it. Still, He was a kid and batman often brought some books for the boy who was surprising smart for being previously from the circus. However, batman soon found out that Dick had somehow been escaping his cell at nighttime, sure he would return to the cell, but it rose the question of where he was going. Bruce would often ask but the boy just laughed and shrugged.

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