Ghost Of You

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Dick Really did not speak much after his breakdown that night when Bruce and him had that heart to heart, he did not do much of anything. The silence was killing him at this point, but he let himself be engulfed in it. He refused to eat anything and would stay in bed all day. Often he would hear a knock on the door, but he never moved to answer it, instead he stayed put and hoped that the sound would go away, hoping the silence would return. Dick was unsure exactly what he was doing, a part of him hoped if he let this carry on, his parents would a five year old holding their breath to get what they wanted. Another part thought if he died, he would be able to see them again. That was the thought that haunted him the most, even if he lived on, he would never be able to forget them. Right now, all he wanted was for the voices to return and tell him what he should do.The voices never returned, and Dick finally realized that no matter what, his parents were gone for gone for good this time..they were never coming home..and neither was he. Bruce had told him that he would never forget them, and that he should take this and use it to be stronger, but what did he mean by that? His parent's death will never make him stronger, and from what he had heard, Wayne's parents' deaths never made the rich playboy any stronger,,not that he was aware of. Dick let out a shaky sigh, knowing that belittling Bruce Wayne was neither going to help him or even make him feel better, after all, he was sure some of those knocks at the door was Wayne. He really did just want to help..if Dick wanted to admit it or not.

Another knock on the door echoed through the room, however unlike the previous times, someone opened the door without asking for permission. An old butler entered the room with a small tray in his hand, giving Dick a quick once over while a look of worry crossed his face. "Good evening, Master Richard." He spoke softly as if talking to a frightened animal who might lash out if he had made the wrong move.Dick looked up, however he said nothing, which was not surprising to the butler, so he continued to speak instead of letting the silence continue to linger. "Your guardian is becoming worried since you fail to have the will to get out of this room." He walked closer to the bed and set the tray down on the nightstand. "Normally I discourage eating in bed, but I shall make an acception. I made you some oatmeal, it should be light enough for you to stomach."

Dick's stomach instantly started twisting into knots at the sight of the food and he quickly shook his head in response. He felt whatever he tried to put in would surely come back up, and food the second time never tasted good.

"I must insist, Master Richard." The butler nodded But Dick shook his head again.

"Please..." Dick choked out, forcing back tears at this point. He did not want to see that look on anyone anymore, that look of pity. He wanted someone to help him..but not pity him.."I...I am not hungry..." He averted his gaze expecting the Butler to be upset for his declining of food, but instead he felt a shift of weight on the bed and quickly looked up to see the butler sitting at the edge of it with a soft and kind smile on his face.

"I know that it has been spoken of before, but loss is one this the wayne manor is familiar with, we all have our ghosts Master Richard."

Dick shivered a bit, bringing his knees to his chest and hugging them closely. "There was still a lot of things they could have told me... things I will never lessons..comforting stories..What am I supposed to do? It feels like my world is crumbling in front of me and I cant stop it...I don't know what to do anymore.." Why was he opening up to this old man anyway? At this point Dick didn't care who it was, he needed guidance...he needed someone to have at his side.

"I believe what you need to get is some closure..So how about you get a little food in your system and then I believe Master Bruce has something he wanted to discuss with you. I do believe it is worth while, so I suggest you come out of your room at least this once to hear him out."

Dick blinked and wiped his tears, his sorrow briefly replaced with that childish curiosity. "What does he want to talk about?" What kind of conversation could possibly be so important that they could not talk in his room like Alfred was doing right now." He scrunched his nose, frustrated that he could not come up with any possible solutions. Maybe it was a trick to get him out of his room..

"I am afraid it is not my place to say, but rest assured Master Richard--"

"I said stop calling me that." Dick grumbled, picking up bowl of oatmeal and staring at it with distaste. His stomach still twisted at the sight of it. "Call me Dick...I prefer the nickname.."

"Master Dick it is then." The butler smiled, obviously glad to see that the other at least was handling better than the beginning of his visit, for a brief second he could have sworn he saw a hint of a smile on the child's face. "You do not have to eat it all, but at least try to eat some of it, I will not be offended."

Dick gave a grateful look before taking a spoonful and putting it into his mouth. The first few bites his stomach fought in protest, but after a while he managed to eat a little more without feeling violently ill afterwards. "Thank you Alfred.." He mumbled slightly"

"Certainly, Master Dick. If you are finished we can head downstairs now."

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