Famous Last Words

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hahahah it has been so long!Does anyone even read this story?

but I will update anyway!  YOU ARE WELCOME TO THE PEOPLE WHO ARE IN THE SELECT FEW READING THIS STORY! But guess what? This story will not end well

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but I will update anyway!  YOU ARE WELCOME TO THE PEOPLE WHO ARE IN THE SELECT FEW READING THIS STORY! But guess what? This story will not end well. Just a fair warning. Got to keep my Evil author cred, so no hard feelings.

 Got to keep my Evil author cred, so no hard feelings

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Actually, I mean ALL the feelings. You started reading, you will sufferer that poor life decision.

And with that:

thank you for reading.




Dick started to head downstairs, curiosity beginning to eat him up inside. What possibly could Bruce Wayne want to say to him. It sounded important. Dick froze when an idea appeared in his head. Did Bruce finally wise up and wanted to kick him out? What was he going to do if that happened? But then again, wasn't he planning on that? Dick frowned, feeling a bit conflicted. Since when did he grow attached to this place? He never thought he would say he would miss Wayne manor, that he would miss Bruce and Alfred if they sent him away... He clenched his fists in frustration. Since when did he get so soft? Why did he let himself get emotionally attached!?

"You alright Master Dick? You seem a little pale."

Dick came back from his train of thought, realizing they were downstairs. However there was no Bruce Wayne. "I'm fine... but where is Bruce? I thought you said he wanted to talk.."

"Oh dear." The butler smiled slightly. "When I said downstairs, I meant all the way downstairs."

"What are you talking about----" Dick was cut off by the sound of something opening. "What the h--"

"Language Master Dick."

"Oh..uh, sorry Alfred..." Dick mumbled, before returning his glance to the secret doorway. Why would Bruce need something like this? Was it like a bomb shelter or something. He guessed that Gotham could be pretty dangerous especially for someone with money. Dick can't blame Bruce for having a secret safe house he supposed. However, going down to here the secret door led, his opinions on Bruce Wayne changed...and darkened. Everywhere he looked there was something that screamed Batman. Either Bruce Wayne was a crazy batman memorabilia collector or.... Dick saw Bruce standing in front of a large computer, dressed just like the bat but without his cowl. He grit his teeth.

Bruce walked over to Dick and Alfred, a bit cautiously when seeing the dark look in the boy's eyes. "Dick, I know this is a bit of a surprise..."

"You have been messing with me this entire time." Dick growled, anger rising. "You made me trust you!" His hands clenched again. " HOW DARE YOU!?"

Bruce flinched at the boys shouts, but quickly recovered, taking another step forward, the boy mirroring his movements by taking a step back. "Dick , I know this is a lot to take in, and I know after all this I have no right to ask you to stay here with us... But this is a part of me that you needed to see."

"Why? Did you take me in just to keep tabs on me!?"

"I took you in because I wanted you to see that there are other things other than revenge! Like justice!" Bruce barked back, causing the boy to cower slightly. Alfred gave Bruce a warning glare, before Bruce took a second to cool down his anger. "If you kept down the path you did you would have regretted it. What I told you about my family was true, nothing good ever comes out of revenge."

"So what, you try to brainwash me into thinking your way is correct!? Maybe it is not your choice in what I decide, in what I believe is 'good'. I am not afraid of the consequences. I was completely aware I would be alone in this world even after. But my revenge IS justice!...It is justice...." Dick's voice trailed off, he was no longer sure if it really was, and that just made him angrier towards the other. "And why even tell me who you are now of all times!? Right when I was beginning to warm up to the idea of being normal YOU DRAGGED ME BACK INTO THIS!" he screamed again, his voice echoing off the cave walls"

"I brought you down here because I wanted to help you get the justice you deserved. I wanted to show you that you could gain a lot more if you would just try to see reason." Bruce's tone was tense. He was beginning to regret revealing his secret to the child. But what he said was true, he was hoping that the other would see past the deception and realize that he was still Bruce Wayne, the one who wanted to see the boy get past his desire of revenge..the Same Bruce Wayne, that started to grow attached to the child and wanted nothing more than to make him happy. "I know I can't make you stay. All of this.." he gestured around the cave "Is a part of me that I have kept hidden from you until now. I know you are upset with me, it is understandable...but know that everything we discussed, when you opened up to me..that was all real and was never meant to be a way to deceive you. Richard Grayson, I am still Bruce Wayne, and I still very much care about your well being. If I didn't, you would not be here in the cave. Not only do I care about you, I trust you. " Bruce took another step towards the boy, but this time Dick stood frozen in place, a look of uncertainty plastered on his face. "Besides, if I ever even thought about hurting you in any way, Alfred here would have probably kicked me out of my own home."

Dick let out a small snort, a slight smile returning to his face. "That I can believe."

Alfred gave an amused smirk but remained quiet.

"So chum, tell me this; Will you stay here at my side?"

Dick let out a shaky sigh. All of this was a lot to take in, and even now his brain was struggling to process all of the information. "You said earlier that you would help get the justice I deserved. What did you mean by that exactly?"

Bruce gave a slight smile. "Right to the point it is then." He took a knee to get to eye level with the boy. "Richard Grayson, how would you like to be at my side fighting crime? It took a lot of convincing to get Alfred on board, but we both agreed that you deserve to get justice. Together, we could put Tony Zucco behind bars where he belongs."

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