Four eyes with a cock

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There he was, his new funky fresh tune was still fresh in her mind from the last 8 times he played it through the speakers in the main hall and she loved every second of it. He started the track again. Halfway way through the bell crashed through her fantasies, she could tell it wasn't James she'd be dreaming of tonight, she got up to leave just behind her mandem as she craned her neck searching for a glimpse of his sexy blonde curls. Just as she gave up hope Gayde turned forward to head off to her history lesson 'double' she moaned 'Saffron's going to touch me again, great' but Saffron was nothing compared to Corey. Suddenly the person in front of her stopped to let some other hoes through the door. Corey. Gayde rammed up behind him pretending to be pushed just to get a chance, probably the only chance to feel his warmth on her cock. He turned around giving her that toothy smile of his making her knees go weak, the crowd was so thick now, surely no one would see if she just got the tip out? Just a little bit? His bag was open, this was her chance. She untied her cock from around her neck and let it fall down past her back, grabbing it firmly with one hand she pushed the tip in Corey's bag. 'OMG, it's happening'. Gayde slowly pushed more of her cock into his bag until she could feel everything inside, his lighter, hat, stolen pen, packet of cigarettes and mixtape, how she longed for that mixtape, even thinking about the 7 different tracks on there started to moisten Gayde. Suddenly Gayde pushed too hard causing one of the straps to fall off Corey's shoulder, he reached his left hand around to pull it back up, caressing Gaydes cock with his fingertips. This was it, she gasped in his ear. This is when he realised. 'This bitch behind me is bare piff with her quiff ' Corey thought to himself but it annoyed him that she was so close she pushed his bag strap off, this is what caused him to turn around, pretending to look for his friend when in actual fact, he was looking to see what she was doing. Upon realising Corey was about to turn around Gayde gasped, he couldn't know, it would ruin any chance of her being able to have a bonk in the bogs at prom, 'Fuck' she though to herself, quickly she withdrew her peen and wrapped it back up herself and around her neck. Did he realise? Was it too late? He looked her straight in the eyes, 'wow, he's fit' she just wanted to touch him again reaching out one hand onto his but before she got there it was too late, the line was moving back out the door and he was moving with it, that was it, that was the end she thought. As they got outside Gayde decided it was best to forget about it and move on, besides, she always had saffron, as she made her way up the stairwell Corey got one Final look at her, the last thing he saw was the sun reflecting on her glasses. He walked on over to art, 'what just happened?' He thought but before he came up with an answer he saw Eggidius 'Oi fam! Got ur mixtape 4 me m8' he called out 'yeah' Corey replied as he reached into his bag, but what? It wasn't there? As she sat down in history Gayde looked down at what her cock grabbed for her before the quick retreat, and smiled, now she could listen to his music all the time on his new mixtape. He never found out her name, but she was always his four eyes with a cock.

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