Part 1: The Flaming Girl

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Selux was known for trouble, but her twin sister is a different story...

Sulex was always so popular, she has seen and experienced some things in her life, but she coped quickly. Pink dresses and pink skirts; flowers, bows and makeup; love, peace, smiles and giggles; sugar, spice and everything nice, that's what this girl was made of. Everyone loved this cat, she'd amaze crowds of citizens with her flames and generosity. Her personality could light up a whole world in 3 seconds. Not a single person could hate her, but someone was always jealous of her, and she never knew it... and it was her own sister. Her step mom would reward her for anything and everything, her father treasured her existence and did anything to hear her giggle. Selux felt left out, ignored, alone... and when Sulex found this out, it's like her whole world changed. However, these girls being complete opposites got along very well, at times, and they cared about each other and were always watching the others back. Now that girl is gone, and this happy-go-lucky sweet heart felt a little alone, and no boyfriend could fix it.

The day Selux ran away (her backstory) Sulex thought, "Oh, she'll be back..."but she never came. After a month Sulex became worried. She asked around town, went to the prison, and even the alleys... nothing. More time passes and Sulex loses it. "Selux is great at survival... But it's been forever!!" Sulex knew she went outside the gates, and she made up her mind...

"I have to go find her."

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