Part 1.5: Memories and Planing

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The day Selux ran away (Selux's backstory, part 2 -I think) Sulex got bored, and fast. Eventually Sulex started looking through the house, with her mom and dad gone, and her sis missing, it gets boring pretty quick. Sulex started looking through some of Selux's things to find some paintings, drawings, and other things.They varied in theme, there was a drawing of Sulex surrounded by friends and smiling, a picture of her mother, or at least what Selux could remember of her, there was pictures of Selux and Sulex smiling together, but one drawing really stood out to her; Sulex was laughing and surrounded by friends, a light figure of her parents were above her looking down at her smiling, and on the edge of the paper sat Selux, frowning and alone... 

Sulex started thinking and suddenly has all these flashbacks of various times where Sulex was smiling, having fun, and being loved... while Selux was in the corner, alone and being ignored; after looking through the drawing some more she found more and more pictures of Sulex looking perfect and wonderful, Sulex was puzzled, " she jealous or concerned? No no no... that's not like her, she's probably just drawing her memories..." Sulex looked over the drawings again and she had a guilty feeling, she left Selux out all this time...


Sulex spent weeks not getting any sleep, she was planning her escape, and here's what she came up with...

1. Nap till 8, pack till 9. *Food+essentials. 

2. Wear black

3.  Leave at 9:30pm, guards will be tired and it will be dark

4. Sneak around town, use the alley's/rooftops

5. Slip out through unguarded fencing

6. Run.

Sulex finished mapping this out and started's time to put it into action.

"Let's so those guards try to outsmart me!"

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