Part 7: Finally Found

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After the whole situation with the public restroom, Sulex decided to take a path that avoided major cities and every now and then she came across a small town. Sulex would ask around town, "Do you know where Green Hill Zone is?" but every time she asked a guy, they either got a nose bleed or froze up and blushed terribly. With no general sense of where to go, Sulex kept going in the original direction she was told, south. Eventually Sulex made it out of this small town and she came across a forest, there was a trail made by others who have wondered through here. Sulex went down the dirt trail but something didn't feel right. She felt like she was being followed. Sulex tried to ignore the feeling, but it was overwhelming; so she walked faster. Eventually the trial broke into to 2 different directions so Sulex went with her gut and took off running as fast as she could down the trail that went left. Sulex kept running and she noticed there were footsteps of someone behind her, running up to her. She turned to see who it was and her heart sank, it was Daisy.

Sulex ran as fast as she could on all fours, she'd do anything to see Selux again. Daisy was catching up and was right on her tail, literally. Daisy reached to grab Sulex's tail when suddenly Sulex took a sharp turn and Daisy smacked right into a tree. Sulex ran as fast as she could, screaming Selux's name, begging for help. However, Sulex didn't yell for long, she didn't want Daisy finding her again. After running about 30 yards (27 meters), Sulex stopped yelling and looked around for a place to hide; however she felt like her luck has run out, she was in open field with nowhere to hide and she was too exhausted to run. However, she heard this loud noise over her head, it was a plane. Sulex looked closer and the head of a blue cat popped over the wing of the plane. Sulex waved her arms frantically and yelled for Selux, who luckily saw her. Sulex suddenly felt a rush of joy flow throughout her.

She found Selux.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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