Part 4: Dreams

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As night feel nature took its course and Sulex became exceedingly sleepy. Sulex found a nice tree, climbed it, and nuzzled into a large branch and slept for the night. But her dream... it was more like a vision or a point of view from someone else, whoever is was, they were short and did not like red fluffy flowers...

All Sulex could remember was that it was running on all fours in a large field, it got down, and it was wiggling, Sulex could feel the motion. After about 10 seconds it... pounced? It "pounced" at a very nice looking blue hedgehog, but last second, he vanished and was instantly out of its way. The gloves, they looked so familiar, but she just couldn't recognize it. After more running and pouncing it finally caught someone, but it was a young orange fox this time. Then there was laughing of 3 different people, 1 of them sounded so familiar, but it was like that song you haven't hear in 6 years, you know it, but can't recall it immediately. Later, after some piggy back rides the vision blacked out, and Sulex woke up, it was late, about midnight, maybe 1am, she felt like she got absolutely no sleep, but she felt energized and she wanted to find her sister even more so. Sulex thought about all the places she could be, but one really stood out to her... an open grass field.

Sulex hopped out of the tree and took off running, she didn't know where, there's wasn't a perfect reason why, but she knew she had to run. After a couple hours she just wasn't physically able to keep going, and she fell to her knees, gasping for air. It never really crossed her mind, but after hearing some rustling in the trees behind her, she had a bad feeling, and she wasn't able to get away. Sulex backed up and hid behind a tree; after taking some deep breathes she climbed the tree and peeked out to see who was there.

"No... it can't be... not now!"

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