Part 5: Getting Directions

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As Sulex was peeking out of the tree, she could believe her eyes... it was an old "friend" Daisy the Dog. When Sulex was younger and it was the middle of the Cat and Dog Wars, Sulex was 12 and a powerful member of the "special military," Selux was too. They both were always told to break into the dogs bases and get as many secrets as they could so no other cat would be harmed, and sometimes they were thrown into combat. However, Daisy was just like Sulex personality and style wise, (Sugar, dress and everything pink) but a dog of course. They met when Sulex was sneaking into General Muttsonhymer's (mutt-son-hi-more) home for the latest plans; but Daisy was sleeping ON the plans and Sulex had to fight her to get the plans, during the fight Daisy got a bad cut all the way down her left arm and on her left ear from Sulex's claws. Daisy always said that she'd get back at her for it, and because Daisy was part bloodhound, her tracking skills were on point and Sulex had a small chance of successfully hiding.

Sulex held her breath and prayed Daisy wouldn't pick up her scent. Daisy sniffed around and looked directly at the tree growling. After 10 seconds that felt like a dreadful 10 minutes Daisy picked up her scent, and followed it the wrong way, back to the village. Sulex exhaled in relief and hopped down and took off running, she had to get as far away from Daisy as possible and find Selux, if anyone could stand up to a dog, it was Selux (ironically puppies terrify Selux). After lots of running in the pure black night Sulex came across some light, it must have been a village. Sulex ran to the little village and it looks like someone or something was trying to destroy the place, put a pile of metal was lying near the border so whatever it was, it was stopped. Due to it being very dark the villagers looked at Sulex, smiled and waved excitedly, "It's her!! The cat! She's back!" upon which a boy, young in age, ran up to her and gripped her leg in passionate caring way and he whispered, "Thank you for coming back! We missed you!" Sulex was confused and thought for a second, "I'm sorry, but you have my identity mixed with my sister." The boy backed up, "Sister...? You're not the blue kitty?" Sulex snapped her finger to create fire and as it surrounding her and slithered through the village and people in a elegant, astonishing manner, it made light flourish all around her and everyone saw it wasn't Selux. They all gasped and stepped back and Sulex noticed their concern, "Don't be afraid, you met my sister and I mean no harm, but I'm looking for her; could you please tell me where she went?" An older woman picked up the boy and pointed south, the direction Sulex was originally going. "She went that way with the group of heroes, rumor has it they're in South Island in Green Hill Zone taking the week off and looking for the Chaos Emeralds." Sulex nodded "Thank you, very much" and she took off running till the boy stopped her. 

"Please tell miss kitty I said hi..."

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