Chapter 3: Complicated

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Riley's POV

It's been two weeks since Maya and I had that talk in my bedroom and she still hasn't decided yet. I mean sure we made out almost every day but I guess it's not enough for her to understand what she feels. I was in school and me and Maya headed to class. Not long after we took a seat my dad came in. "Hello class. Today we will be learning about love." He started, and I couldn't help but see Maya having a little sparkle in her eye, ready to hear this.
"Belgium 1831 that's all I want Matthews come on!!" Farkle said standing up from his seat. "Calm down Farkle. Maybe another day." My dad answered him and all he could do is groan in frustration.

"So, love. What do we really know about love? Is it true to say that it's not real because we can't see it?" He said and I raised my hand.
"Riley." He said giving me permission to speak. "I don't think that's true. It is real and we can see it." I said with confidence. "How so?" He questioned. "Like when I look at you and mom. That's love. That's real and I can see it."
"A lot of us don't really know what we feel when we fall in love and are having a tough time realizing what is it exactly. When you think about it, you can't really explain it." He continued. "Yes you can" Farkle stepped in. "It's testosterone, dopamine, estrogen and other chemicals that go to your brain" Farkle said, being his smart self.
"That's the chemical definition. But what is the emotional one? How can you tell between loving someone like a brother or sister and between loving someone in a romantic way?"
"You can't explain it. You just feel it in your heart." I said.
"But what if you don't know what you feel?" Maya, who had her head down for this entire conversation, finally spoke.
"Then you'll just have to let your heart take you to a journey." My dad said as the bell rang. "Before you leave, an assignment. Find out who you are and what you really feel. I expect answers next week. Class is dismissed." He said and I went to my locker.

Maya's POV (finally)

I don't know what I feel. Ugh.. Why does love have to be so complicated. I need to talk to someone. I need to understand what I'm feeling towards Riley. I went to the first person I could think of.
"I need your help." I said as I tapped on his shoulder and he turned around.
"Sure. What can I help you with, m'lady?" Farkle said with his flirtatious tone.

Word count: 457

A/N: Ahhh and so another chapter ends. I'm already working on the next one so don't worry. Vote, comment, follow and whatever.
Peace! ✌️

Our Little Secret (Rilaya)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt