That Face!

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"Stef!" The brunette yelled from the kitchen downstairs.

"What, love?" The officer herself walked down the staircase to see her wife in front of a sink full of dishes.  Lena was doing her chore. "Shit.. Lena I'm sorry I've been so b--"

"I've been doing everything around here, Stefanie." The brunette deadpanned.

"Lena, love, I'm sorry. I'll do them right now." The latter stepped towards her wife trying to push her away from the work. Which only made Lena's face contort into one of her famous pissed off looks. "Don't give me that face."

"What face?"

"Your 'I'm mad at you' face." The taller woman gasped, crossing her arms, "I do not have a certain face!"

"Do to."

"Do not!"

"You are doing it right now!" Lena sighed.

"What does it look like then?" Stef shifted her body towards the counter, leaning on it and concentrated on her facial expression. Trying her best to copy her wife's',  "Like this."

"Stef!" The officer raised her hands, chuckling. "I do not do that." The brunette sighed.

"Oh, love." Stef wrapped her arms around her wife's waist, pulling her close, "I love you and all your  faces." Defeated, Lena just reciprocated her actions, snaking her own arms around Stef's neck.

"You make faces too. You know.." The latter giggled pressing a chaste kiss to Lena's lips.

"Do not."


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