How You Sleep

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S. Coups: He's the big spoon and you're the little spoon. He likes to spoon you so that you can feel safe in his embrace and he likes protecting you.

Wonwoo: You like to sleep on your back while he sleeps on his side. He likes to put his arm around you so that you can feel he's right there and you hug his arm tightly.

Mingyu: He sleeps on his back, you sleep on your side and put your arm around his waist while he wraps his arm around your shoulders.

Hoshi: You both sleep on your backs but you hold each other's pinkies as a promise to always be with each other and to stay by each other's side.

Joshua: He sleeps on his side and you sleep while facing him. You hug him around his torso while he hugs you around your shoulders, you both feel safe in each other's embrace.

Woozi: You both sleep facing each other and you always hold hands. You put your intertwined hands between your bodies so that both of you never let go of each other. It's comforting because it lets you feel each other's presence.

Jeonghan: You both sleep on your backs but there isn't any hand holding or cuddling because you both think it stops you from sleeping comfortably. Yet somehow your legs always tangle with his.

Vernon: He sleeps on his back and you cuddle into him because the way he hugs while sleeping makes you have a sense of comfort and you always put your head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat.

Minghao: You sleep on your side while he sleeps on his stomach and he wraps his arm around your waist because he likes the idea of you always being there next to him.

Jun: You both sleep on your sides but you hug each other tightly because you're both huge cuddlers in your sleep and none of you want to let go of each other.

Seungkwan: You sleep on your back while he sleeps on your chest. He likes sleeping on your chest because the sound of your heartbeat soothes him to sleep.

Dino: You're the big spoon and he's the little spoon because he's so tiny and he sleeps like such a baby. You feel like protecting him in his sleep. He never admits it but he likes it when you're the big spoon.

DK: You both sleep on your sides with your head on his shoulder and his chin on top of your head. He wraps his arms around you like a bear hug because it's sweet and comforting.

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