How Would He Confess His Feelings

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S. Coups: The school was having a girl vs boy basketball team competition. As both teams were getting ready, Seungcheol's friends make a bet with him that if the boys team win he has to confess that he likes you. As the game was reaching its end; S. Coups shoots the ball in the basket that makes his team win. After the game he went over to you and confessed that he has had a huge crush on you and you returned his feelings. He lifted you up and twirled you around then kissed you as a celebration.

Wonwoo: He's your classmate and he asked you to come over to his place to study together. You made some coffee, had a study session and took breaks in between. While having a break his brother enters the room and yells at Wonwoo: "YA isn't she the girl you have a crush on?!" Wonwoo hits his brother and runs after him then you started to laugh at them. He came back and apologized to you but you told him it was fine. After that you continue studying but you noticed he kept staring at you from time to time and he blushed when you caught him; so he confessed that he truly does like you and you choked on your coffee but told him you liked him back.

Mingyu: Seventeen were having a New Year's party so Mingyu invited you to the dorms. When you got there you knocked on the door and he opened it for you. He got you some drinks and you talked about some memorable moments you had together. After a while you started to get stuffy so he asked you to go for a walk with him. Then Wonwoo called Mingyu telling him it was almost time for the countdown. You went back to the dorms and just when the clock strikes midnight Mingyu confesses that he's liked for quite some time, kisses you and of course you kiss back returning his feelings. What better way to start a new year than with a new relationship.

Hoshi: It's that time of the year again where the boy has to ask the girl to prom so Hoshi went and did that. He asked you, his best friend, to go to prom with him and you said yes. When you got to the prom's destination Hoshi immediately wanted to dance so he asked you but you didn't know how to dance. He dragged you to the dance floor and slow danced with you. He whispered in your ear that you looked absolutely beautiful and you blushed. During half of the song he confessed that he liked you more than a best friend should and you told him you liked him too.

Joshua: He'll get the rest of the vocal team to help him confess to you. He makes each boy get an envelope that contains a clue from him inside. The clues lead you to a big beautiful park. Then you notice the vocal team except Joshua singing a song of theirs which you realize is "20". After they finish Joshua appears from behind them smiling shyly and as he approaches he gives you a shining red rose with a charm bracelet. As he was putting the bracelet on your wrist he proceeds to confess that he's liked you ever since he met you and you told you like him too. In the background you can hear the boys cheering for you happily.

Woozi: He was never good with talking to girls so when he found out he had a crush on you he freaked out. Woozi wanted his confession to be perfect for two reasons. First reason you're his childhood friend and second reason he was extremely nervous. He spent his entire day in the studio writing a love song just for you and to express his feelings. When he finished the song he called you to come over straight way. When you got there he took you to the studio and sat you down on one of the chairs. He began to serenade you while playing his guitar. After he finished he looked at you nervously and you jumped in his arms crying tears of happiness. He told you he wrote this song especially for you because he didn't know how to confess but you told him you liked him too and that you really loved it.

Jeonghan: You and Jeonghan came from very wealthy families and ever since you were babies you've been in an arranged marriage with each other. To prove to you that he really does like you, Jeonghan asks Joshua to help him put a cute message in the sky so they rented a blimp. He then calls you to come to the garden outside your house. When you arrived Jeonghan gave Joshua the signal. You were shocked when you saw a small blimp in the sky with a message that said: *I've liked you ever since middle school* When you looked back at him to get a confirmation he nodded while smiling widely. You hugged him really tightly and told him you liked him since middle school too.

Vernon: You and Vernon were both idols in Pledis Entertainment. You couldn't believe that you finally got to have a day off so you decided to go to the amusement park. As you were browsing through the stands, there was one that stood out the most. The sign said: 'Shoot the Targets and Win Any Prize'. Vernon immediately volunteered and began shooting as much as he can while you were rooting for him. He won a huge stuffed panda for you and you thanked him. Soon it began to get dark and you wanted to go on the Ferris wheel before leaving. You got on the Ferris wheel and when it reached the top you couldn't help but be awed by the view. At that moment Vernon knew that he needed to confess his feelings to you and you returned them back happily.

Minghao: You and Minghao were best friends since diapers but once you reached 5th grade he developed a crush on you. One day it was really hot so you went to the milkshake shop next to your house. You entered the shop and went to grab a seat while he went and ordered. You found a seat next to the window and soon Minghao came over with a large cup of chocolate milkshake with 2 straws. Halfway through the drink Minghao notices you have a chocolate stache so he grabs a napkin to wipe it off for you. When he realized what he did both of you blushed deeply and looked away from each other then he apologized but you said it was fine. Then he shyly confessed he's liked you since you were kids and you told him you felt the same way. Both of smiled widely and held hands.

Jun: You were the school's metal head and Jun was the bad boy and wushu specialist. One day you were walking through the school's hallway and these bunch of bullies began to pick on you calling you several hurtful names. You pretended not to care but you had tears in your eyes. Jun was watching the scene from behind the wall and soon he began yelling at them and the bullies ran away for they feared him. Once he approached you he looked at you with a concerned gaze and asked if you were ok.  You told him you were happy he came to help you and he said he'll always be there for you. Then he slapped his hand over his mouth and you smiled bashfully. He told you he's liked you ever since he laid his eyes over you and you told him you felt the same way. He then intertwined your hands together and walked you to your next class but not without giving you a small peck.

Seungkwan: You and Seungkwan were neighbors as well as besties. So one day you were bored out of your mind until Seungkwan calls you to come help him paint the walls in his room. You went to his house and started painting until you started to get mischievous. You grabbed your brush that had some blue paint on it and sprayed Seungkwan with it. Being the little diva that he is; he complained about his clothes getting ruined and proceeded to spray you back. Then you had a full blown paint war to the point where you were covered in all sorts of colors. He then looked at you lovingly and you blushed from his gaze. He started laughing and that's when he said: "You know this is exactly why I like you!" You were speechless but then you saw how happy his expression was and you couldn't help but confess that you like him back.

Dino: You and Dino were really great friends but you wished you could be more than that. You were both still in 10th grade and had biology. You were having trouble with one of the questions so Dino came and helped you. You thanked him and he said don't hesitate to ask for his help next time this happens. One day you were walking home when you saw a cute little white kitten with the bluest eyes you've ever seen in the display window of a pet shop. You wanted to take it home but couldn't afford it. Dino was watching the whole scene from the other side of the road. The next day you woke up to a knock on the door so you opened it to find the kitten with a note on its back! the note read: 'I know how badly you wanted this kitten and thought this would be my chance to confess to you'. You looked up and saw Dino and told him how it was sweet of him to do this and that you felt the same way. He smiled shyly and hugged you while you held the kitten in your arms.

DK: One day you were hanging out with DK and the rest of the Seventeen members. You guys were so bored you didn't know what to do then S. Coups suggested to do some karaoke and all of you agreed happily. DK was overjoyed that you were teamed up with him but you had to sing a love song. You chose 'Dream' by Suzy & Baekhyun. Your voices were perfectly harmonized and left the other boys speechless from your performance. After you finished you asked DK why did he choose that song and he told you it explained what he was feeling. You were shocked from happiness that you just hugged him with all your might and told him you felt the exact same way. He hugged you back and the other members brought you in a group hug congratulating the new couple.

Credits to TTeeee for helping me with the ideas for Wonwoo, Mingyu, and Hoshi's parts. 

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