Pickup Lines He Uses

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S.Coups: Was your father a thief? Cause someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.

Wonwoo: If you can dance, you have my hand, but if you can sing, you have my heart.

Mingyu: There is something wrong with my cell phone. It doesn't have your number in it.

Hoshi: Was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world?

Joshua: Was your dad king for a day? He must have been to make a princess like you.

Woozi: So there you are! I've been looking all over for YOU, the woman of my dreams!

Jeonghan: Somebody better call God, cuz heaven's missing an angel! (We all know who's the true angel here :p)

Vernon: You must be a hell of a thief because you stole my heart from across the room.

Minghao: If you stood in front of a mirror and held up 11 roses, you would see 12 of the most beautiful things in the world.

Jun: Stop, drop, and roll, baby. You are on fire.

Seungkwan: If you were a burger at McDonald's you'd be the McGorgeous.

Dino: If I could reach out and hold a star for everytime you've made me smile, I'd hold the sky in the palm of my hand.

DK: I never need to see the sun again because your eyes light up my world.

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