First Kiss

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S. Coups: Your first kiss would happen after a basketball match. He challenged you to a game and if he scores the most he gets to kiss you.

Wonwoo: Your first kiss would happen in a concert. You got him tickets to see his favorite rapper Tablo. In the middle of the concert he kisses you to show you how happy and thankful he is.

Mingyu: Your first kiss would happen in a cafe. You guys go to your favorite cafe. After getting your drinks, you sit in a cozy sofa in the back of the room. To make the moment more enjoyable he'll turn you to face him and kiss you.

Hoshi: Your first kiss would happen in Seventeen's dance practice room. Hoshi needed some help in making a new choreography so he asked you. You ended up getting tired and frustrated because there was a move you couldn't get right. When he sees you struggling he goes to kiss you because he was so grateful that you took your time to help him.

Joshua: Your first kiss would happen in your favorite restaurant. Joshua wanted to take out on a date because he had a day off so he took you to your favorite restaurant. After the date he took you home but before he left he kissed you on your front porch.

Woozi: Your first kiss would happen after their first win. You were backstage watching as the events roll by and it was time to announce the winner. After the announcer opened the envelope, she declared that Seventeen won! You jumped up and down watching how happy and surprised the boys were. When they got to backstage you ran over to Woozi and kissed him passionately to show him how proud you are.

Jeonghan: Your first kiss would happen during your anniversary. He took the day off just to spend it with you. In the morning he'll wake up before you and make breakfast. After that he goes to wake you and bring you to the kitchen were you eat happily together. Then you do everything from watching movies to cuddling in bed. In the middle of cuddling you kiss him to show your appreciation. 

Vernon: Your first kiss would happen during a rap battle. He'd invite you over to the dorms because he was bored. In the middle of rap battling you would just begin to imitate him in a funny way and he'll laugh so hard to the point of falling on the floor. He then got up and kissed you to shut up.

Minghao: Your first kiss would be during an ice cream date. He'll take you to the ice cream shop down the street and order your favorite flavors. While you were eating he notices you have a bit of ice cream on your lip. He leans over the table and kisses you.

Jun: Your first kiss would happen during a horror movie. He takes you out to the cinemas and pick the scariest movie they have. You guys sit in the very end of the theater and when it gets to the scariest part he kisses you to distract you and in the end you both forget about the movie.

Seungkwan: Your first kiss would happen after your school's talent show. You wanted to be brave for once and sing in public so you entered the talent show. Seungkwan helped you practice multiple times. When it was your time to sing you looked at Seungkwan and sang with all your might. When it was time to announce the winner principal pulled out an envelope and yelled out your name! You won! When you got down from the stage Seungkwan kissed you to show you how proud he is.

Dino: Your first kiss would happen in your prom. You needed a date to prom so of course you asked him and he said yes. He came to pick you up and you headed over to the destination. You asked him to dance so you went over to the dance floor. The DJ put a slow song so he put his arms around your waist and you put your arms around his neck. You stared at each other and he leaned in to kiss you to make the moment last longer.

DK: Your first kiss happened at the beach. It was a lovely day, the sun was shining and the weather was cool so you went to the beach. You swam all day then built a sand castle and ate some food. As the sun was setting you were walking along the shore and it was the perfect time for DK to kiss you; so he did and it was truly a magical moment.  

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