2.9K 77 13

Name: Sugar
Age: 4
Gender: Female
Species: Siamese Exceed
Fur Color: White
Eye Color: Blue
Likes: Fish, Rain, Music, Humans
Dislikes: Being Held ( Except By (YN) ) Being trapped, Uptight People.
Fears: Small spaces, Being Forgotten or being left Behind, (YN) Passing Away, Being abused Again.

Shortly after Sugar was born a group of boys found her and abused her until (YN) Found her.
Sugar developed Claustrophobia due to being put into a small cage for days on end, small spaces make her think of the times she was being abused, the only people who can calm her down are Happy And (YN). Her love of rain was caused by the fact that the boys couldn't go to the treehouse when it was raining. Shortly after (YN) took her in, Sugar developed a fear of (YN)'s Death, (YN) forgetting about her. Afraid that if (YN) were gone she would be abused. Due to this fear Sugar is protective of (YN) and is almost always with her.

​Sugar is usually described as full of energy and very loving, but an also be very oblivious and can hurt people due to her clumsiness.

(If you are wondering, Sugar is based off of my own cat personality wise, My cat was never abused so dont worry)

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