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I stood up, picking up Sugar and carrying her in my arms, And walked over to where Gramps Was sitting. "WHO COULD HAVE TAKEN IT?!?" Gramps shouted, Then it hit me, Natsu was acting weird and Happy wasn't with him. "It was probably Natsu." I said Calmly, "Natsu wouldn't do that!" Romeo said as Someone spoke up from upstairs.

"Earlier I saw a little blue cat tear it right off the wall" I looked up to see Mr.JerkFace Himself, Laxus. "Called it." I said ignoring The blonde who I've never gotten along with. "Well Erza's gone, so we'll have to wait for her to get back so That she could get them." Gramps Said disappointed and worried.

"I'll Go." I said in sync with someone else, looking over I saw Gray Standing up and walking toward Gramps. "Alright, you two head to Hargeon, That's probably where they'd look for a boat to Galuna Island." I nodded as I turned toward the door With Sugar to find Natsu and Happy, And knowing those two they would probably bring someone with them. My guess is Lucy, She is friends with Natsu and could be easily tricked. No Offence to her, but she is a bit of an airhead at times, but that's what makes Lucy, well Lucy.

I walked outside and began to wait for Gray to get outside, after a minute or so he walked outside the guild and turned to me. "Let's Go." I smiled a bit, "Alrighty."

Gray POV

(YN) gave me a small smile, "Alrighty." I smiled, she used to say that when we were kids. I suddenly felt my heart flutter when I remembered when we were kids. (YN) was the only one who could get Natsu and I to stop fighting without hitting us on the head or something that Erza would do.

I felt my smile falter when i remembered something else, the day that (YN) was declared Dead. The whole guild was too sad, everyone was too depressed to work and nobody took a job for weeks, Except for Laxus.

When Gildarts found out he broke, (YN) and Natsu were kinda like his kids, I mean (YN) called him Uncle. He Was pretty depressed, even though he didn't show it. Natsu and I both completely lost it, we destroyed everything. We were so angry at the magic council because they had declared her dead, they stopped searching and she was still alive.

(YN), my best friend, Who was supposed to be dead, has been alive and is back. It's still pretty weird no matter how you cut it, I had given up On (YN) being alive years ago.

"Hey Gray, you Ok?" (YN) Asked worrisome, "Yeah, I'm fine."



Me and Gray were walking along the port looking for Natsu and Happy, when I saw the familiar spiky Pink hair with A floating blue cat next to it. I poked Gray and pointed to the duo, He nodded and sneaked quietly behind them. "I Found You." Gray said in a sing song voice scaring the living daylights out of Natsu and Happy. Lucy was there as well, "Called it." I mumbled as Gray and Natsu began to fight about them not going to Galuna Island.

"Wait, you're wizards going to Galuna to fix the curse!?!" the man in the boat questioned, "Yeah!" Natsu shouted.

"Get in." The man said looking at the duo, "Wait really?" Lucy looked at the man in d shock. "Not Happening!" Gray exclaimed. But before he could speak again Natsu punched him in the stomach making him go limp.

"Ok, let's go!" Natsu Said unaware of my presence as he dropped Gray into the boat, "HEY, WE HAVE ORDERS TO BRING YOU BACK TO THE GUILD!" I said startling Natsu. "(YN)? What are you doing here?" Natsu asked looking at me confused. I sighed, "I'm here to bring you back to the guild." I said still holding Sugar in my arms.

Natsu had a mischievous glint in his eye as he ran over and picked me up in his arns, "WHAT THE HELL-" I was cut off as Natsu jumped into the boat. "GO!" Natsu shouted, my blood turned to ice as the world began to spin a bit. I leaned over the edge of the moving boat, "whyyy... motion sickness" I groaned as Natsu joined me leaning out of the boat.

"(YN)! You OK!?!" Sugar asked jumping out of my arms, "yeah just sick." I said smiling a bit but stopped when the world began to spin again.

Sugar POV

(YN) leaned back over boat, 'She needs some space' I thought as I walked away from the (HC) girl over to The Blonde and The Blue Cat who looked a bit like me. "Hello, I'm (YN)'s friend, Sugar. It's nice to meet you." I said offering my paw to the two, I've decided that Jumping on people faces should happen after I meet them.

The blonde looked at me confused, "I'm Lucy." She said looking at me with a brow raised when I heard a little Joyous voice speak up. "Hello! I'm Happy!" The blue cat said.

I could tell why his name was Happy, he seemed to bring a little bit of Happiness from his words. I smiled, "It's nice to meet you, but..." I pointed to the Sick boy, "Who is he?" "That's Natsu, He gets motion sick really easy." Happy said looking at Natsu.

"Poor guy..." I muttered looking at him pitifully. "WELL AT LEAST HE ISN'T TIED UP!" the black haired boy shouted angrily, I looked over to him, "Stop your complaining Red." I said.

"IT'S GRAY! NOT RED YOU DUMB CAT!" His words stung, that's what those boys call me. Suddenly a loud thump was heard as Gray fell over, A bump grew on his head as a boot landed next to him. "Don't talk to Sugar like that." (YN) said sitting up a bit glaring at Gray, I shuddered, she looked pissed and Gray Looked scared too.

Before (YN) could do anything else She suddenly leaned back over the boat loosing her intimidation that she had before, "Whyyy....." I giggled at her behavior, One moment she looks like she could murder you the next she is too sick to stand.

Happy padded over, "So Sugar... Would you like some fish?" He had a fish in his hands and offered it to me.


The boat driver had revealed that he was actually a part of the village and his arm was horribly disfigured, when suddenly he disappeared. Everyone was freaking out, not noticing that there was a gaint wave coming. "WATCH OUT!" I shouted as I brought out my wings and pulled (YN) out of the boat.

Sadly everyone else didn't have time to get out, (YN) quickly Got out of her motion sickness and opened up her wings. "Sugar, Lets bring everyone to shore." I nodded as the group's bodies slowly rose to the surface.


We had gotten almost every one to shore, Natsu was the last one and (YN) was carrying him to the shore. Suddenly a strong swipe of the wind made (YN) fly forward, dropping Natsu in the water near the shore as she was thrown back by the strong wind. She landed roughly in the far forest trees letting out a yelp of pain.

I set down Happy and began to open my wings and fly toward where she fell leaving a hole in The leaves.


An Angel Among Fairies (Natsu X Reader X Gray)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon