Rough Landing

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I began to head toward the ground, I dropped Gray a few seconds Before I landed Roughly on my side thankfully not crushing Sugar. "(YN)!" a familiar voice shouted confused,I looked over my shoulder to see Natsu but something was different, he was fatter. "Dude, How'd you gain that much weight? I was only gone for..." How long WAS I gone?

I Stood up carefully as I realized he was covered in a giant ball of ice, "Dude what did Gray do to you?" I asked looking at him confused. "Wasn't Gray, some white haired guy froze me." Natsu said waddle around like a duck. I sighed and put my hand out, "Crystal Shatter!" The ice around Natsu Exploded into millions of little shards. Suddenly a giant wave pain passed through my legs as the buckled underneath me making me fall to the ground, "(YN)! You OK!?" Natsu Asked as he held me up by my shoulders.

"Yeah, I think so." I said Looking down to my leg, but my breath caught in my throat. There was a giant shard of Ice stabbing into my leg, letting blood pour out of the wound. "(YN) Your Leg!" Natsu shouted looking at me worriedly, I waved him off, "Go get Gray He's Worse." Natsu Nodded and ran over to the the Dark blue haired male and began to shake him. I carefully took hold of the ice and pulled it out, I let of a squeak of pain. I bit down onto my lip as I began to cast ice over my leg to stop the bleeding. Natsu walked over with Gray slung on his shoulder, "(YN) Can you Walk?" Natsu asked looking worried.

"I'll be fine but we need to get Gray bandaged up, then we're heading back to the guild." I said glaring at Natsu, "But (YN) we can't leave yet, we haven't completed to job yet!" Natsu shouted. I stood up and faced the Male's intense gaze, "You Weren't allowed to take the job anyway Natsu! And I saw that monster in the ice, You think you can defeat that alone!" I shouted Glaring at him angrily. "So! We Can't leave the Village without finishing the job, We'd Disappoint everyone!" Natsu shouted back.

I rubbed my temples, "We'll talk about this later, ok?" I sighed, "Fine, but we need to hurry, the village is going to be attacked soon." Natsu said as he began to run with Gray on his back. "WHAT! Why didn't you say that first!" I opened up my wings and began to flap them to get high into the air, I flapped until I was right over the island. Suddenly I felt my head hit something hard, I looked over my shoulder to see nothing, I blinked, "Could it?" I whispered to myself, I spun around and looked to where I hit my head.

I slowly Put my hand out when I felt the familiar feeling of cold crystal, I smirked a bit, "I Figured You Out Galuna"

I turned back to the ground And began to look for the village, when I saw a wooden barrier. I quickly pulled my wings in, making me drop like a stone. I quickly opened my wings back up and began to glide toward the village. I could see Lucy Talking to a group of people with a pink haired girl next to her in a maid outfit. As I got closer I realized that the people weren't exactly people, they had horns and colorful skin, "Demons..." I muttered as I quietly landed on to obe of the poles that formed the barricade.


An Angel Among Fairies (Natsu X Reader X Gray)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon