Marie Walker: The lesser Known Sister Of Allen Walker Part 6

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I have skipped to where the D. Gray-Man anime starts


"Timcanpy! Timcanpy!" I was in a train station with my brother in England looking for the little golden golem master gave to us, the golem is a small golden ball with wings and a tail and a small cross on the front. Timcanpy flew back over to us then Allen said "Don't fly around so much. A cat might eat you!"

When we got off the train there was a stray white cat, the cat spotted Tim and ate him. Allen and I tried to catch the cat but it ran into an old church that looked like nobody has been inside it for ages but the cat had disappeared. "Where did it go?"

"It has to be around here somewhere" Allen responded

About an hour of searching later we finally found the cat. Then hundreds of bats suddenly started flying everywhere and I heard a man scream but we were too busy catching that stray cat. We both reached out and grabbed the cat. "Gotcha!" my brother said

"We wont let you get away this time!" I said

Then the bats dispersed and we were both surprised... There was a woman there! Allen said exactly what I was thinking "Eh? Why is a human here?" then the woman snapped handcuffs on us and said "Damn you!" She was a police officer! "Who are you" She asked the both of us. I responded with "We're sorry! we were too busy trying to catch that cat and didn't notice you" Moonlight then came through the window and illuminated our faces, she seemed surprised at the sight of us, I guess it was our white hair and curse scars. Then Allen said "We're, um... Travelers"

Marie Walker: The lesser Known Sister Of Allen WalkerWhere stories live. Discover now