Marie Walker: The lesser Known Sister Of Allen Walker Part 2

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YAY NOW ONTO PART TWO!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)


A couple of months after I left Resembool it was a couple of days after christmas and i was traveling through a town when i met a man named Mana and a kid who resembeled me but looked older and had a red left hand. Mana said that he had just adopted the kid on christmas. A couple of days later Mana adopted me too and named me Marie because i didnt have a name. Mana said that the kid with the red hand was called Red. I spent a couple of years with Red and Mana and during those years Red's name was changed to Allen. Then mana passed away. We were so upset with his death that the millennium earl appeared and offered to bring mana back for us, us being children, allen was eleven and i was seven, accepted and turned him into an akuma, mana cursed us and i ran away screaming and crying in pain. When this happened we were in a graveyard near resembool. i ran to resembool and hid in one of the empty houses. A man with red hair wearing a strange outfit that looked like some sort of uniform and a hat came to the town looking for me he came to the house i was in and found me in one of the bedrooms crying. He introduced himself as General Cross and explained what happened at the graveyard after i ran away crying and explained what akuma are and what an innocence weapon was and what exorcists are. He took me to the house where allen was and put me in the room next to allens room. I noticed that allens hair was white and looked at my own hair and noticed that it was white too.I sat in my room crying for a couple weeks only stopping to eat. after i stopped crying i noticed that the cut on my face that the akuma that was mana had given me was healed. when i looked into the mirrior in my room i noticed that it had turned into a scar on the right side of my face with a star on top of it. a couple of weeks later we left the house. While we were traveling i snuck away from the general when he wasnt paying attention and went to resembool. i found winry. She was at her house and was the one who opened the door. "can i please come in" she let me in and asked who i was, i replied by saying "i am the girl who fell in the field and passed out, i know i look different but it is me". "how did your hair turn white?" she asked, me being the trusting type i told her everything that happened after i left her house. "so then i snuck away from the general and came here, where are edward and alphonse?" winry replied by saying that their house. i went to ed and al's house and knocked on the door. their mother answered and i told her i am one of ed and al's friends and we met a long time ago and i found ed and al in their fathers library. they didnt recognise me at first and i had to tell them who i was. "what are all of these books about?" i said looking around. ed answered "they are about a science called achemy". "cool, can you teach me?" i asked so they taught me the basics and i learned how to do basic alchemy.


sorry it took so long, i had exams and christmas break

Marie Walker: The lesser Known Sister Of Allen WalkerWhere stories live. Discover now