Chapter 7: Crimson roses.

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Scourge and the two others were to busy fighting off Sonic and the others to notice Christien climbing out from the window. He walked over and stepped on some broken glass, which made everyone look over, and stop, fear in the eyes.

Scourge: Who the hell is that?

They saw Christien, or a version of him, slowly walking towards them. His sharp white fangs stuck out of his mouth, a grin growing across his face. His blue fur was now dark gray and black, while his eyes changed to a dark black.

Sonic: Oh my...what happened?

As the team took a step back, Scourge stepped towards. Just as he was about to throw a punch at him, Christien grabbed his wrist, and three him across the room. He landed on the floor next to a window, and he slowly got up be met with Christien's cold black eyes.

Scourge: Son of a...

He was grabbed by the collar of his jacket and lifted in the air, while he tried escaping from his grip. Christien hit his head against the window, shattering it to multiple pieces.

Shadow and Blaze ran towards the two to try and stop Christien from killing him, but as they got to him Christien threw Scourge at the two making them get knocked back.

He walked towards the door, but were stopped by the others, including the Antis. He laughed and kept walking towards them.

Amy went to hit him with her Piko Pika hammer, but it was grabbed by the handle and forced out of her grip. Christien went to hit her with it, but Silver blocked it and hit him with it.

Bunnie came from behind and punched Christien with the robotic arm, but it had no effect against him.

Bunnie: Ya'll have to be...

She was punched back while Shadow and Blaze rushed over to help with the fight again. They helped Bunnie up as Sonic spundashed into Christien, but he avoided the move.

Sally and Nicole ran at him from both sides while Shadow and Blaze were behind him, and they all rushed at him. He fell to the ground quickly and spun on the ground, hitting all 4 of them on the heel. They fell to the ground as he quickly jumped up to his feet.

Anti-Tails grabbed the stun Rod from the table and attempted to hit Christien in the back of the head, but he used his arm to deflect Anti's, and moved the rod so it hit him.

Anti-Sally grabbed a 10mm pistol from beside her and shot at Christien, but he quickly maneuvered around her shots as fast as Sonic. He grabbed the pistol from her and threw it on the ground.

Fiona: Stop!!

Christien turned around to see Fiona looking back at him, pain, sadness, and many other emotions being shown in her eyes. She walked toward him slowly as the dark aura surrounding him went away.

Fiona: I only knew you for a day, but in that one day you made me feel like nothing could hurt me. Not even the hate that was surrounded by me.

His sharp teeth started turn back to normal, as well as his furs color. He looked down and his eyes turned to a deep shade of blue.

Fiona: I want you back, I want you to be the one that I go home to and see looking back at me. I made stupid choices in my life, so can you be the one that helps me change?

He walked to her slowly, grabbing her by the waist. He pulled her close to him, his arms reaching behind her on her back. He hugged her and nodded his head yes.

Fiona: Come on let's...

She heard him gasp loudly, and saw Scourge behind them, his hand holding a sharp metal object covered in blood. She backed up and saw, in horror, Christien stabbed through the back.

Scourge: Now that he's...

He was interrupted by the feeling of a pair of hands grabbing his wrists, they were Tails hands. He felt a sharp kick to the back and he fell to his knees, dropping the knife from his right hand. He saw Shadow punch him across the face, and Blaze kick him in the gut.

Sally walked over towards the others, and saw the knife on the ground. She picked it up, and glanced at Christien, who was breathing slowly and his eyes turning yellow. She looked at Scourge as the others stopped beating him down.

Scourge: What? Gonna kill me? That's not your style, I know it.

She grew furious and raised her arm to stab him, but a hand stopped her. She looked behind her and saw Fiona grab the knife from her hand.

Fiona: No, but it's mine.

She stabbed him through the chest, his screams filling the huge room. He looked over at Anti-Tails and Anti-Sally for help, but they ignored the moment of pain. He felt another sharp pain run through gut, than his arm, waist, and then he witnessed as the knife went to right where the heart was.

Scourge: T-This w-won't bring him b-back.

Fiona: No, but it'll surely make one less person kill more.

She kicked the knife further inside him, and he lost all life that ran through him. He fell over, covering the stab wounds and the blood that drained from his body.

Fiona looked at Christien, who was slowly getting himself up. She ran to him and hugged him tightly, and he hugged her back.

Fiona: Oh thank Goodness, thank goodness you're okay.

Christien: Yeah I'm okay, I'm okay.

Sonic ran up to Christien and wrapped his arm around him and both him and Fiona carried him out the door to the portal. They went back to HQ and fixed up his wounds.

-1 month later-

Christien was back to being a Freedom Fighter an helping out with more missions than ever as he had helped Shadow and Rouge with G.U.N and there special assignments.

Fiona stayed home and helped around at HQ, mostly with scouting, perimeter watching, and Tails machines. The two had become good friends again and he forgave her for all the bad things she did. But she didn't work to hard, sense she was 8 months away from a little child.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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