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The avengers were on an important mission when all went wrong.It was mean't to be a simple in and out mission but it all went wrong so fast. First the guns were drawn then screams were heard, so much for having a clean battle. After the battle was over everyone was tired and bruised. When they were walking to the quin jet they had just realized that Clint was missing.

 They all slowly looked at each other with concern and then sprinted towards the abandoned hydra building.

 As soon as they saw the trail of blood leading up the crumbling stairs they all followed it with anticipation, as soon as they reached the top of the stairs all there hearts fell when they saw him. He had written a little message in his blood which made Tony gag. When they finally had the strength to read the message they felt there hearts sink lower, the message read: I'm sorry that I failed and I'm sorry Natasha that I never admitted my love to you so I will now, I love you.

After they all read it, they all looked at Natasha who had tear stained cheeks and shaking legs. Before she collapsed they all helped her stand steady and called nick. After clint had been buried and his funeral was over they all just stood by his grave while the rain gently covered there tears.

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