Cuddles and tickle fights

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A/n: okay so I am attempting to make a cute fluffy one for once. Dear god I hope this works!
Anyways, let me know in the comments below if it did or didn't.
Okay, I am sorry it's really short haha but this is all my sleep deprived brain could come up with, please forgive me!
Anyways, Enjoy! :)
Natasha's POV
It had been a long day.
Clint and I had just finished a super stressful mission that we succeeded out of pure luck.
When we finally set foot in our apartment we both dropped our bags and immediately jumped on the couch, we turned the TV on and snuggled up together.
Half an hour later we were bored and couldn't fall asleep so we turned the TV off and lay in silence for a few seconds.
I got bored of the silence and got an idea, I put my arm on Clint and slowly applied pressure keeping him pinned down.
He thought it was cute until he realised he couldn't move his upper body anymore, seconds later I jumped up and and started tickling him.
Clint screeched and giggles like a little girl.
My arm that was pinning him down relaxed the tiniest bit and before I could do anything about it Clint jumped up and pinned me down on the couch then he started to tickle my sides making me laugh and thrash around.
After two minutes of us having tickle fights we were really tired so we decided to just cuddle on the couch again and sleep, or at least try too.
When I finally started to drift off into the black and calming world of sleep, the last thing I felt was Clint gently playing with my curly red locks.

The end.

Clintasha OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now