Christmas!!! (A/N)

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Merry Christmas guys!!! I know that it is Christmas Eve for most of you but it's Christmas Day over here in New Zealand!!! Anyways, I'm kind of hopping for a Christmas miracle, my cat (The one in the photo above, his name is Odie.) has run away and I haven't seen him since we had our 7.8 quake a month ago. I miss him so much and just want to hug him again. Mum told me that after Christmas and after we go on holiday I can get a kitten, at first I was excited but now I just want my Odie back. He loves cars so it's possible he has gone for a ride with someone and is now lost somewhere away from our house. I just want him back.
Anyways I hope you guys enjoy your Christmas and get spoiled with lots of presents :)

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