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A/n: hey guys! This was mostly written on my phone while at my nephews school disco. Right now I am surrounded by screaming children dancing. At least they are having fun! Anyways I hope you have fun reading this one shot! Enjoy!!!!!!
P.s. Sorry if it's bad.
They finally arrive at the forest where they will be staying for the next few nights, Clint is especially excited to see all the wild life, he really wants to capture the perfect shot with his really good camera. Natasha just loves camping in general, she loves looking up at the starry sky at night and roasting marshmallows by the camp fire and she just loves everything about it.
"Gonna get the perfect shot, Clint?"
Clint nods and agrees with Natasha before he starts putting up the tent and he smiles when he did it in record time, he looks at Natasha proud of himself and what he had just achieved. To him it was huge, he managed to put up the tent in 10 mins, it usually takes him half an hour. By the time they had set everything up it was dusk.
"I guess we should light the camp fire?"
Clint states as he starts picking up little bits of kindling.
"Yeah! I'll go find some big prices of wood, you continue getting the kindling."
Clint nods and starts to pile up all the kindling.
Ten minutes later Natasha comes back with a ton of wood perfect for burning.
Once they have finished lighting the fire with their lighter they grab their fold out chairs, marshmallows and some beers.
They slowly sit down and start to relax after a long day of setting up camp.
Natasha looks up at the sky, she admires the beauty of it and takes it all in. The way the stars twinkle, how calming they are too look at.
you never see anything like this in the city, the street lights usually block out the true beauty of the sky.
She looks over at Clint who is stuffing more then half the packet of marshmallows on one big stick, she rolls her eyes and takes a deep breathe.
she inhales through her nose taking in all the smells of the forest, the smell of the moss that grows on the trees and the ground, the smell of the camp fire and the smell of badly burnt marshmallows. Wait, what?
She quickly snaps out of her daze and sees Clint pouting like a really sad puppy as he watches all his marshmallows and his stick burn in the fire.
"That is so unfair! Why me?!"
Clint groans and gets up to find another stick to use.
Fifteen minutes later Clint comes back with another stick, this one was a bit smaller so he couldn't shove a whole lot on it this time.
By the time Clint had gone through two big bags of marshmallows he decided it was time to go to sleep.
Natasha and Clint slowly climbed into their tent.
As soon as Clint's head hit the pillow he was it cold.
Natasha decided she wanted to take in all the sounds of the forest before she goes to sleep, she could hear water running into the little stream they were by, the birds that come out at night singing quietly and the beautiful chirping of the frogs. Before she knew it she was asleep, all the forest sounds had lulled her into the bliss world of slumber.
The next morning she slowly opened her eyes to see the sun shining in the tent window, Clint was still sound asleep, she's pretty sure all his snoring last night scared the wild life away.
She slowly unzips the tent and looks at the wonderful world that surrounds her, wild antelope are running to the little stream while frogs sit on top of their lily pads soaking up the morning sun. She gets out of the tent and stretches then walks over to the smoldering pit where the camp fire was last night.
She sit back down in her fold out chair and enjoys the heat of the sun for a bit, she yawns and slowly doses off again.
Twenty minutes later she heard the most terrifying growl she had ever heard, thinking it was a bear she jumps out of her seat and grabs a hunting knife they had just in case something bad happens, she points it in the direction the noise came from. Instead of seeing a terrifying bear she sees her husband.
"Morning hunny, what's for brea-"
He opens his eyes to see her pointing the knife at him.
"Wait, your going to eat me?"
He looks confused.
"What the hell Clint! I thought you were a bloody bear! Ugh."
He laughs realizing the noise he made was very bear like.
"Sorry Nat, anyways what's for breakfast?"
She scowls and mumbles under her breathe as she puts the knife down and walks back into the tent, she comes back out with a packet of trail mix and fruit.
"This is what we have, enjoy!"
She says knowing he wasn't happy with the choice of food, he shrugs and takes the packet of trail mix and walks off leaving her with the fruit.
After they were done eating Clint got out his camera and started taking pictures of the stream and the trees.
Clint sits down in his fold out chair to look back on all his photos, he smiles every time he sees one he likes.
They heard some funny noises coming from the stream and look up to see the most beautiful pack of wolfs.
"Wow! Look at how beautiful they are."
Clint gasps as he sees his opportunity to catch the perfect wild life shot, he uses his assassin skills to keep unseen and silent. When he gets close enough he crouches down in the bushes and snaps a few pictures of them.
When they all start to walk off he watches as the Alfa takes the lead and how the little ones stick in the middle of the pack and how the giant ones are on the outside keeping an eye out for any danger.
Clint walks back to Natasha with a giant smile on his face, he was so proud.
He sits down and excitedly goes through all of the pictures.
They were all so amazing he couldn't get rid of any.
Clint was buzzing the rest of the day and all night.
The next day they packed up camp and left.
Before the went Clint went down to the stream and looked around to see if he could see them again but he knew it was a once in a life time thing so he sighs and goes back to help Natasha pack.
The end.

Clintasha OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now