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Brynn's POV 

Adam's eyes immediately opened. "What?" He asked. "I'm 4 months pregnant," I said. "Really?" He asked. I lifted up my shirt and showed him the little baby bump that was forming on my torso. He ran his hand over it and smiled at me. 

"When did you find out?" He asked. "Last week. I was trying to find the right time to tell you," I said. "The kids are going to be really excited," He said. "Yeah, they will be. Are you excited?" I asked him. He pulled on top of him. "Of course. I can't wait to be a father again," He said before he pulled my face to his and kissed me. 

I woke up the next morning with pain in my back. I climbed out of bed and walked downstairs and saw Adam with the kids in the backyard. I grabbed an Ibuprofen out of the cabinet and grabbed a glass of water from the fridge. I swallowed the pill and drank the water. 

I looked out the window and watched Adam pushing Skylar and Bentley on the play set swings. They all had smiles on their faces. I grabbed my sunglasses off the counter and put them on. I walked outside and over to the kids. 

"Mommy!" They exclaimed as they got off their swings and ran over to me. I bent down and hugged them. "Hey cuties," I said. "Daddy took us to breakfast and took us to the store!" Skylar exclaimed. "Did he now?" I asked them. "Yeah and daddy said that you had a surprise for us!" Bentley exclaimed. I looked up at Adam who had his signature smirk on his face. "Let's go inside and I'll tell you what the surprise is, ok?" I said. "Ok!" They exclaimed as they ran inside. 

Adam walked over to me and kissed me. "Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked him. "You looked really tired, so I let you sleep." He said. "Did you get the paint for the baby's room?" I asked him. "Of course I did. The kids kept asking why and I jsut told them that it was a surprise," He said. We walked abck inside and found the kids sitting on the couch. 

Adam and I sat next to them and pulled them onto our laps. "What's the surprise!" Skylar exclaimed. "Well you and Bentley are going to have a new sibling," I said. "Yay!" They both exclaimed. "Are we goinna have a brother or a sister?" Bentley asked. "A baby sister," I said. They cheered again. 

"Where's the baby?" Bentley asked Adam. "The baby is in mommy's tummy," Adam said as he pointed at my slightly swollen torso. "Can we see, mommy?" Skylar asked. I lifted up my shirt and showed them the baby bump. Adam rubbed his hand over the bump. "Our baby sister is in there?" Skylar asked. "Yes, sweetie. And as the baby grows, mommy's tummy is going to get bigger," Adam said. 

He got up and took a picture off the fire mantle from a few days before I had Skylar and Bentley. He sat down adn handed the picture to them. "That was when you were in mommy's tummy," Adam said. "You had a big tummy, mommy!" Skylar exclaimed. "I did," I said. "When is the baby gonna be here?" Bentley asked. "If everything goes well, then in 5 months," I said. "That's a long time," Skylar said before Adam put the picture back on the mantle.

"Since mommy can't be around the paint fumes, do you two want to help daddy paint the baby's room?" Adam asked them. "Yes!" They exclaimed. "Alright, go get clothes that can get dirty," Adam said before the kids ran up to their rooms to change. "Have fun," I said. "We will," Adam said before he bent down to kiss me and went up to join the kids.

I must've drifted off to sleep, because when I woke up, it was 6:00 PM. I had slept for 5 hours. I looked in the kitchen and the kids were cleaning up form dinner with Adam. I got off the couch and walked over to them. "Hey sleepy head," Adam said. "Mommy, do you want to see the baby's room?" Skylar asked me. "Sure baby," I said. 

She grabbed my hand and led me up to the bedroom that was next to hers. The walls were purple from the bottom to the middle and pink from the middle to the ceiling. The ceiling was purple. "It's great, sweetie," I said. "You guys did great!" I said. 

After we put the kids to bed, Adam and I went back to our bedroom. I laid down on the bed and pulled the sheets over myself. Adam laid next to me and pulled me to his chest. "Are you ok, baby?" He asked. "I'm just in a lot of pain. My back hurts, a lot. I feel like I can barely walk, much less move," I said. "I'm sorry baby," Adam said as he started rub my back. 

All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my torso. I knew this pain. I went through it 3 years ago. But it couldn't be. I'm only 4 months pregnant. "Adam?" I said. "Yeah, baby?" He asked.

"I think I'm having contractions," I said.

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