Letter 8

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Ulfric sent this letter as we planned for taking Fort Neugrad, asking me to personally run it to Castle Dour before reporting to my commander to take the fort:

Dear Rikke,

Retreated, ran, same thing. I've always cared for you, Rikke, even when you were my annoying little shadow. I used to think of you as my little sister for the longer time. Then one day, I felt different. I can't explain it. Then we had our day and I left for High Hrothgar. I knew I couldn't be with you, but I cared the whole time. During the Great War, we never had the time to talk about it and, even if we had, I didn't know if we would survive and I couldn't say anything. I guess that I have to tell you now because one of us may be dead soon and I can't stand the thought of not knowing how you felt. I think it's worse now, knowing that you love me. Because I know that you will never surrender. I know that you would rather die than back down from your ideals. By the Nine, I hate you as much as I love you, Rikke. I'll be seeing you soon, when we take Solitude from you. May the Nine guide your soul to Sovengarde quickly so I don't have to send you there myself.


I hated her for what she did to my Jarl, but the look on her face when she got the letter brought me pleasure.

Secret Letters between Jarl Ufric Stormcloak & Legate Rikke [A Skyrim Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now