Letter 9

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This letter I found on an Imperial courier that had been killed at Fort Neugrad:

Dear Ulfric,

I've loved you since we were children, always looking up to you, chasing after you. Perhaps it is meant to be that we do not get together. Perhaps we were always meant to be on the wrong sides of things. But I have and always will care for you. You've always been my hero. But you are right. I will die before I give up my ideals, just like you will. We've always been so much alike. I'm just sorry that we couldn't have one night to be together. Just one night to be Rikke and Ulfric, instead of Legate Rikke and Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak. I miss the Ulfric of my childhood. I know that we can never go back, but that doesn't change how I feel. See you in Solitude, my love.


I brought the letter quickly to Ulfric, knowing how he waited day after day for word from her.

Secret Letters between Jarl Ufric Stormcloak & Legate Rikke [A Skyrim Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now